I have enough time for 1 maybe 2 more big events before I my lifestyle needs to slow down. What should I do? 100k? Go the trithathlon route? I have never not had the next event planned so I feel kind of lost.
I know there are several people training for a 50 miler but I am not sure when. If you already have had your race, would you mind sharing? My first 50 is Saturday!
I cannot stand using the fuel belt. I tried on a running vest but I cannot imagine runing 50 miles with that damn thing on. Think its possible to make it through with a hand held and tank up at the aid stations?
I am training for a 50 miler. I have had slight ongoing pain for a while but I really aggravated it when I did my back to backs on the road last weekend. The pain is on the bottom outer part of my foot. Any idea what this could be? I am icing like crazy.
Please tell me how much race weight impacts performance. I have 8 weeks until my marathon and have put on 5lbs. I normally gain during training but I have not been keeping it clean this time. I am not sure how to achieve this, my calories are set to 1/2 lb weight loss per week. I am in the best shape ever so I would hate…
I am sure this is not news to anyone that pays close attention to food labels. I have wondered why I have struggled so much the last few years to lose weight once I get past a certain point. I just figured it out! Two of my staples that I use excessively are loaded with calories. The biggest being I cant believe its not…