basic excel help!
So I have a bunch of challenges and I really want to get organized and track them all Here's what I have so far, Im really trying and but pretty bad with computers so most of them are manual except SUM I haveit open to edit, if you guys put in the formulas you use I can learn it and do it for all the upcoming weeks. Thanks…
So I have a bunch of challenges and I really want to get organized and track them all Here's what I have so far, Im really trying and but pretty bad with computers so most of them are manual except SUM I haveit open to edit, if you guys put in the formulas you use I can learn it and do it for all the upcoming weeks. Thanks…
Bridal party ideas?? In two weeks! Austin,tx
my twin sister and I are suppose to plan for our older sister It's be at a house with around 20-30 guests..all pretty down to earth.. Hippy Ish and mid 20s, it'll be in Austin Texas. They mostly all like doing art:) and in about 2 weeks Awesome ideas?
5'9" anyone?? Need motivation!
hey guys! I'm fairly new and weirdly enough I get a lot of motivation etc. With the people that are around my height! Friend me if you are!! Anyone, really though. Thanks!
Intro- THE one workout song?
Hey! So I started logging a couple days ago.. seriously.. amazing people!! Counting my way down.. aren't we all? I was wondering what that ONE SONG that really keeps you guys going while working out? Music always keeps me motivated.. what song keeps you?? I want to make an awesome playlist, upbeat! Also, I'd like some…
free workouts if you have OnDemand! secret? have to sharee!
Apparently no one is aware of this, and I just have to share my secret with you guys, b/c this application and community is awesome. If you have OnDemand Fios Select OnDemand on your romote Scrool down to FREE then HEALTH/FITNESS then EXERCISE TV there's a lot of options but I'm currently doing Chris Freytag's 10LB SLIM…
recommendation!: workout series similar like mine??
So I was wondering if you guys are doing any kind other kind of convenient exercise videos for free that I do. 10 lb Slim Down series with Chris Freytag is my exercise routine for a month, I love it! The videos are free if you have OnDemand and you can print out the calendar online to see which workout you do that day! (5…
Intro weee