Reading recommendations
Hi everyone, In the spirit of 'knowledge is power', I am looking for recommendations for books, radio shows, podcasts, youtube channels, upcoming webinars from people you've listened to before, all that sort of thing, that help motivate you in your journey towards better health. The 'moodboard' approach doesn't seem to do…
Manual glucose entry
I was so delighted to see the announcement that glucose monitoring will now be included alongside nutrition tracking. But I would love to see the option of manually entering this as part of the diary - I have no plans to move to a continuous monitor because I swim a lot and this brand at least of continuous readers is not…
Customise app navigation bar
It would be lovely if we could customise the navigation bar on the android app with the areas of the site we use the most. I never click into recipes or plans, but would be delighted if community and nutrition were more convenient to get to. I suspect other people have their own preferred buttons too.
Hot snacks
Once we start heading towards winter, I am graving hot food and drink all the time. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of fairly low-calorie, quick-to-make snacks that don't require the use of a microwave? Otherwise, I just go through gallons of tea with biscuits dunked in...
Blister-proof fitness?
Hi all, I've just returned from a holiday in Italy, and unfortunately I have returned with a million mosquito bites. On my right foot, the mosquitoes bit me twice in the same place and this has resulted in an enormous blister. It's in a really awkward spot and I can't easily put pressure on my right foot without it…