I'd like to try a pre- workout and see if I notice a difference in my performance. Any suggestions on a good one? Are they a waste of money? Any help would be appreciated!
I recently started doing the daily hiit (from body rock). I do the new rules of lifting for women (about to finish up week 4) and have been doing the hiit workouts 1-2 days on my off days. Is this enough of a workout or should I be incorporating this during my lifting days? I've never really done HIIT much before, so I'm…
Recently bought a keurig, but still brew my own coffee on weekends. I haven't tried many, so I'm always looking for new suggestions. K cups I've tried (and love): donut shop- coconut mocha and gloria jean butter toffee. Coffee grounds I usually use a starbucks one but I forget which. LOL, clearly I need some help here.