For someone who was used to snacking her way through her day I am finding that my hardest thing is to re educate my mind and stomach. So far I am learning that 6 smaller meals are way better than three big ones and a hundred snacks.
After breakfast and my exercises today, I sat down at my computer and decided to reflect on what I have or have not been doing to aid or sabotage my weight loss. Over the last week, I have found many things that have helped and hindered my goal. The chief among the ones hindering me are getting lazy, and not drinking…
When I started the last weight bump I was 149, its taken me nearly 3 weeks to battle from 258 down to 251 LB. Today, at weigh in I was really happy that I was nearly back down to the weight where all this mess started. I feel for one of my roomies who actually gained a bit of weight. I am starting to learn that loosing…