At what point (calorie wise) does our body go into starvation mode. Im roughly eating between 400 to 500 calories a day. Someone told me starvation mode is a myth and our bodys are only in it for a small period of time. True or false :)
Whats your favourite. I thought id share mine cos its FANTASTIC :D :D:D Martine Dancebody. Its perfect for people like me who isnt that physically fit but leaves you feeling satisfied without feeling like you cant finish the whole thing :D
Whats your opinion of them? So far i have tried three different programes. They seem to help me sleep more than motivate me not to eat doughnuts. :)
:D i just made the nicest batch of home made vege soup ever :D I just wanted to share my success as i am no gordon ramsy in the kitchen XD x
My names Katie and (obv) im new to this site :) I found its time to put some serious motivation in losing weight. :D Im always looking for buddies that can motivate me and in return motivate them :D Im 19 years old from birmingham (uk) (almost 20 eeep) and am studying abroad come September. I want to try and lose 2 1/2 to…