simplepuremaddness Member


  • i never said i was a strict vegan i suppose i should of said i try to follow a vegan diet as much as possible. Its just easier to call myself that because 9/10 i dont eat animal produce. and i never once had chicken stock. Not that i have to explain my diary to people. I have a busy life and often cant get to the computor…
  • i wanna try the zumba :) although i have to be careful how much i bounce around cos the people who live below me will get annoyed :)
  • I dont think people have the right to judge you on what you eat or make harsh comments. :) like if u eat pizza its your choice to eat that. I think its more handy leaving it public if u asking advice of people how to speed up weight loss and they can then go and look at ur diary and help you that way. I've peeked at some…
  • hahahahaha LOL at ur picture in ur sig XD
  • If you work at it you will soon see results. :) Have u tried drinking green tea as a boost to your metabolism? x
  • haha i did watch it :) kate middleton looked amazing in her dress. and here wot my plan looked like today : Breakfast Douwe Egberts - Pure Indulgence Coffee, 1 cup (Black) 1 0 0 0 Add Food Quick Tools 1 0 0 0 Lunch Asda - Soup to Go - Tomato and Red Pepper, 330 g 104 14 4 2 Rivita - Multigrain Crispbread, 2 slice (11g)…
  • I dont think people are intentionally being mean. I just think its difficult to get the right tone aross in a written message board apposed to talking with someone in person. People can take things in many different ways which sometimes wasnt the intial persons intent. God it sounds like what your going through is awful.…
  • i have taken on board everthing that has been said. And ill read back over what i wrote but i dont think i portrayed that i was intent to keep to this low calorie deal. Im just finding it hard at the moment to up them so to say.
  • Im sorry if i caused any outrage. it was the last thing i wanted. Sorry about ur lack of gall bladders/bileduct spasms. It cant be a nice thing to go through (dunno bout treatments for these things) but hope your symptoms get better/more controlled. big loves and sorry if i offended anyone
  • I am 5'7. And because im still podgey around the edges.
  • It was just a question. I am by no means bragging about it or proud. All i wanted to know was at what point your body goes into starvation mode so im no longer in it. The comments im making now is in reply to other peoples questions. And sorry guys, i thought peanut butter had dairy in it. Cos of the butter part, my bad.
  • peanut butter isnt a vegan food.
  • i exercise for an hour most days. I walk to uni which is a two mile round trip also.
  • no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.
  • in my opinion, an ED is someone who has disordered relationship with food and anorexica is a result from that.
  • an eating disorder is different than anorexia
  • my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy
  • mfp says to be eating 1200 calories but i bumped it down to 700 and to be honest i cant remember the last time i hit that goal. My diet is healthy, just low in calories, i eat a load of salad, fruits vegetables.
  • While i appricate all the things that have been said, iv lost just under two stone doing it this way?
  • i have to really controll what i eat or i over eat in the excess. eating too few is better than eating 2500 no?
  • sadly no. 400-500. if that. today im on 380ish.
  • Do you take iron? u may be lacking in that slightly.
  • I never eat a big meal just before a workout as it hits me like a stone in the stomach. Why not just try and have something light like a yoghurt and banana before ur work out and have ur meal after the workout?
  • also if you go on there is a vegan/vegetarian starter pack that you can have sent (free) to you which gives you loads of tips :D
  • i have been a vegetarian for 7 years :) Its great :D giving up milk is the hardest i would say as soya milk does not taste the best in a cup of tea :) but you get used to it :) xx
  • i agree with that :)
  • hahahaah :D yeh to put it bluntly :D i put in carrots, parsnip, onion, tomato, leek, pepper mushroom and garlic. I also added a bit of chili powder to give it a bit of a kick :D Its so easy to make aswell :D
  • The best way i have found is to get a buddy who helps who when u feel the urge to munch through unhealthy foods :D U just need to retain your body to notice when its full. :D tomorow is another day :D a journey of 1000 miles began with a single step after all :D no one said weightloss would be easy