diary: public or private?



  • Windi38
    Windi38 Posts: 164 Member
    I've been on for a few weeks, but I don't have any desire to open mine up to the public. And I don't have any desire to look at some else's eating habits either. I suppose if I did look at the others, I'd open mine up too, fair is fair after all! :)~

    But, I don't feel guilty about what I eat, it's mostly healthy anyway, and right now, I'm losing weight steady, so it's all good. If, in the future I get stuck and don't lose weight, I may open it up and get some advice about how to change things up or something.......
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    i understand when people want to keep stuff to themselves...but i will say, when people on my friends list have their diaries private, when they finish their log for the day, i can't, in good conscience, say good job about being under...cause really, without being able to see it, idk if you really did do a good job.

    my thought, to each their own...i don't mind mine being open, and i have never had anyone say anything nasty about my diary. though my mom does poke fun at all the sushi i eat :P hey, lots of lean protien, can't beat that! haha. and yes, i eat whatever i want. so anyone can see when i had cookies, or chocolate, or pizza, or bad restaurant food...or...a piece of cake (like today at lunch for instance). if you do choose to stay private though, if you have questions about food and cal limits, or if you hit a plateau or have any food related questions, it makes it hard for people to answer if they can't look.

    Good point Calleja.... I could not agree more on this point, .. IF someone has a question, and wants input, I say YES, let others see what you are eating so they may offer advice. I know if I were to hit a plateau or did have questions, I would open mine up and say.... HERE .... HELP ME!!!!!!! ;-) :huh: :huh:
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I have a few friends on MFP who are real foodies, and I sometimes enjoy checking in to get ideas (not to spy or criticize) and I've noticed that people like to do it to me. I spend a lot of time figuring out how to keep my food interesting and yummy so I am not ever feeling deprived or "on a diet", so it's nice to see sometimes that someone has started eating "my food", it's a good feeling passing something positive like that along. Getting and giving new perspectives and sharing is important and I like being part of that. I joined to really be part of a community and it's a very clear way to do that.

    I have my diary public for several reasons. I'm not perfect and in my real life, struggle with perfectionism. MFP is a good place for me to put it out there, come what may and accept it. If I had anyone comment (along the lines of good food/bad food) negatively, I would unfriend them....I don't have a place for those kind of people in my life, online or in person. I wouldn't freak out about that. I don't know why anyone here would put up with that behavior when they don't need to. I drink wine, beer, whatever I want....I'm over 21 why would anyone think they have the right to say something about it?

    I personally think that if more people called those out who criticize their food choices, or turn things into good/bad food, or are rigid, then it would make MFP a better place. But honestly, it's never happened to me.

    I also like that it personally provides accountability for me, not that I stop myself eating something I really want, but it makes me think twice, which I often need. So it's a means to an end, with a positive result. It keeps me more on target and conscious of my choices.

    It's also a reflection of where you are emotionally with food right now, whatever is your choice, it's right for you. You can always change, see what's comfortable and go from there :-)
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I have mine set to friends only. I like the accountability of having people be able to see it. But I had it public when I first started and got comments that I didn't appreciate from people I didn't know. I am not perfect and I eat things that aren't healthy sometimes. Also my friends usually know if there is something going on in my life that might lead to going over/under on calories for a while. I personally don't want people who don't know me or anything that is going on in my life telling me that I'm not doing things the 'right' way.
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    I dont think people have the right to judge you on what you eat or make harsh comments. :) like if u eat pizza its your choice to eat that. I think its more handy leaving it public if u asking advice of people how to speed up weight loss and they can then go and look at ur diary and help you that way. I've peeked at some diaries where all the entries have been 'naughty' foods so to speak but thats the persons choice of what to eat :)
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    I have mine open to friends only. I have awesome friends that don't judge in a cruel way. They're super supportive and helpful.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    you wont be able to hide all the m&m's i know youve been eating

    hahahahah Damn!
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Have no shame, make it public. We're all here for the same reason!!! :)
  • shadow3829
    shadow3829 Posts: 103 Member
    Mine is public. I love to read others so it only seems fair. I don't judge or comment, to each their own. I just like seeing the different ideas and foods, especially the one out side of the US.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Mine is open to friends only, as you can always defriend someone. I accept most friend requests as well, as I assume they're related to something I've posted and they may want to see more detail.

    I like that I have one friend who REALLY looks at what I've eaten when I go under and comments accordingly. I am cautious of commenting myself though. When a friend posted that she wanted to gain weight I checked out her diary and she was way under calorie each day. She seemed offended when I mentioned this, so maybe something more complicated was going on there...
    WIQQID Posts: 13
    I keep mine open only to my "friends". I value constructive advice, but some people can be a bit harsh.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Mine was private initially, but I unblocked it recently. If anyone wants to look they can go for it. If they have good advice cool. If someone wants to judge or criticize me, what do I care? Who is that person to me lol! I haven't really looked at anyone else's diary, but I do get lots of ideas from the message board.
  • angp7711
    angp7711 Posts: 324 Member
    I have mine open. I doubt anyone could be a harsher critic than myself. I am not striving for perfection and I have some really bad days but I haven't had any comments on my diary at all. I also haven't asked for any. If I got a negative response that was not constructive criticism I think it would turn me off but until then I'm an open book. I usually put foods notes "for myself" it really helps to go back and reflect.

    smiles :)
  • bunnysone
    bunnysone Posts: 486 Member
    the secret to my success is knowing that it's public, which makes me think twice every time I want something bad, because I know I have to log it!

    I have just about killed my cravings by doing this - It's an amazing opportunty you cant pass up!

    But you need to have friends who are prepared to comment on your diary for it to work, not just say "way to go" if you are under, becase eating 2 carrot sticks and an apples is NOT a way to go.
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    thanks to everyone who commented here.. I am on the verge of opening it up and sort of think, isn't that the whole point of this MFP place-to be honest with ourselves ( by logging and keeping track of food) and being supportive of each other at the same time!