diary: public or private?

sinclare Posts: 369 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I have only been here 2 weeks and have my diary private. are there any advantages to making it public?


  • JHoersten2
    JHoersten2 Posts: 44 Member
    We can spy on you and secretly criticize what you eat as a group while you're not online.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    you wont be able to hide all the m&m's i know youve been eating
  • Crystal817
    Crystal817 Posts: 2,021 Member
    We can spy on you and secretly criticize what you eat as a group while you're not online.

  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    Of course there are! First off you can get great advice on what to eat /what not to by someone examining your diary. Second off-it might help with the "pressure." I mean to me I don't want to eat 1200 calories of chocolate in one day-and I especially don't want people to know that I did! So it can help to keep your diet healthy and portion controlled.

    It helped me because I was eating too little while burning a LOT of calories, and others noticed and helped give me advice on healthy calorie dense foods.

    I like mine being open! Try it-you can always change it back?
  • JatieKo621
    JatieKo621 Posts: 425 Member
    hahahahahahahah @ all of these answers.
  • mine is public, yours should be public!!
  • there are advantages, yes. but for me i prefer to keep it for myself. Ive had too many critics in the past. I eat healthy but some people say it isnt healthy enough. there was also someone telling me "dont eat that, eat this" or telling me I need to do something different.
    When I had mine public, all it made me want to do, was not log my food!
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    there are advantages, yes. but for me i prefer to keep it for myself. Ive had too many critics in the past. I eat healthy but some people say it isnt healthy enough. there was also someone telling me "dont eat that, eat this" or telling me I need to do something different.

    muahahah so yer really the m&m fiend aye?
  • Mine is public. I hope that people will get ideas off my diary if they get stuck in a rut. I check other people's to get new ideas :) And it helps hold me accountable.
  • there are advantages, yes. but for me i prefer to keep it for myself. Ive had too many critics in the past. I eat healthy but some people say it isnt healthy enough. there was also someone telling me "dont eat that, eat this" or telling me I need to do something different.

    muahahah so yer really the m&m fiend aye?

    um ok. whatever you say. I'm really not in the mood to be poked fun at, or for you (or anyone) to assume im "sneaking" m&ms.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    there are advantages, yes. but for me i prefer to keep it for myself. Ive had too many critics in the past. I eat healthy but some people say it isnt healthy enough. there was also someone telling me "dont eat that, eat this" or telling me I need to do something different.

    muahahah so yer really the m&m fiend aye?

    um ok. whatever you say. I'm really not in the mood to be poked fun at, or for you (or anyone) to assume im "sneaking" m&ms.
    lighten up ...... and no1 has to sneak anything eat what you want log it learn from it and move on thats how we roll :D
  • snkeller24
    snkeller24 Posts: 459
    Mine is public. I hope that people will get ideas off my diary if they get stuck in a rut. I check other people's to get new ideas :) And it helps hold me accountable.

    I agree I like to see what others eat to try something new that maybe I didn't think of. As well as people with similar goals to see how closely related we are to eating. I've never have had anyone bash my 'eating' habits. This isn't really the site for it. And others are right - it keeps you honest and on track.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    or someone could say hey maybe next time try a fat free cheese or I use egg whites instead of that egg ...... yadda yadda ..... if you want to do the best and your here for help i think open is the way to go
  • charmsangel13
    charmsangel13 Posts: 50 Member
    Mine is only open to my friends. :)
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    mine is public, yours should be public!!

    In this persons opinion...

    Some people like to keep their diaries closed because some people are quite cruel when they see you have eaten a cookie or maybe something that isn't considered "clean." OMG and my goodness if you a have a beer... Mine is open to my friends because I appreciate their opinions but in the end they know its my choice.

    Your diary is yours, if you want to share then do, but if you don't then don't let anyone brow beat you into sharing it...

    Your journey is journey do what's right for you!!!!

    Best wishes :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    We can spy on you and secretly criticize what you eat as a group while you're not online.

    LMAO! And this is why I keep mine private! When I say I was under my goal, you cant see I really had 5 slices of pizza, 4 snickers bars, 1 bag of popcorn, and 4 regular sodas. then a few weeks later you will see me complain about why I cant lose weight and dont understand why! :-)

    OK, all kidding aside, because I DONT eat like that ...... I keep mine private just because I dont feel the need to share what I am eating. I am not hiding anything, but if you have it OPEN, at some point or other, you are going to get someone out there who is an "expert" telling you what you should be eating and what your doing wrong. I feel like I know my body and what I can and can not eat and right now I dont need any extra input. NOW, if you are a person that wants or feel you need to get others input from others to help you on your journey I htink it can be very valuable to you until you figure it out on your own.

    Good luck with your fitness goals!
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    wow thanks for all the response! gonna sleep on it....I need all the help I can get, but I am super sensitive and don't want people to freak out that I am not "perfect."
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    wow thanks for all the response! gonna sleep on it....I need all the help I can get, but I am super sensitive and don't want people to freak out that I am not "perfect."
    You aren't perfect?!!!

    *freaks out.:tongue:
  • sinclare
    sinclare Posts: 369 Member
    I know... :smile:
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i understand when people want to keep stuff to themselves...but i will say, when people on my friends list have their diaries private, when they finish their log for the day, i can't, in good conscience, say good job about being under...cause really, without being able to see it, idk if you really did do a good job.

    my thought, to each their own...i don't mind mine being open, and i have never had anyone say anything nasty about my diary. though my mom does poke fun at all the sushi i eat :P hey, lots of lean protien, can't beat that! haha. and yes, i eat whatever i want. so anyone can see when i had cookies, or chocolate, or pizza, or bad restaurant food...or...a piece of cake (like today at lunch for instance). if you do choose to stay private though, if you have questions about food and cal limits, or if you hit a plateau or have any food related questions, it makes it hard for people to answer if they can't look.
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