starvation mode



  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    The hcg diet is a little different, but it's still not safe. It's based off old research from the 1950s that found that the pregnancy hormone hcg makes the body burn fat at a higher rate if a woman is eating a reduced calorie diet, like when she has morning sickness. It is not uncommon for women to lose weight consistently for the first half a pregnancy. But, using this hormone for weight loss isn't necessarily healthy as there are other hormone interactions at play during pregnancy. It is also extremely difficult to get the proper nutrition on a 500 calorie diet regardless of how many calories the body is actually using from burning fat.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    Your current weight might be healthy, but the way you have achieved it is most definitely NOT HEALTHY. Please see your doctor and have an honest conversation about your extreme calorie restriction. There are far better and FAR HEALTHIER ways to reach your goals. The path you are currently on will end with you doing a great deal of damage to your body. Please get the help you need before it is too late.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia

  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia

    No, actually it is not different.
  • Syntax_Error
    Syntax_Error Posts: 77 Member
    I'm no Dr. but I'll share with you my thoughts and reasoning/history. I used to be severely overweight (330-ish lbs) and decided to drop to a pure liquid protein shake diet. I was consuming maybe 400calories a day, however I was doing an insane amount of cardio every day (20+ miles high intensity in-line skating). I did this for a good 6-7 months before I regularly started incorporating food again. I lost around 120lbs in that timeframe and had all the energy in the world.

    Was it healthy? Hell no. I lost a significant amount of muscle mass too from where I could press 350 lbs down to struggling to put up 150. It was however a very rapid way to lose weight. The biggest downfall besides the loss of muscle mass was that I trained my body to function in those circumstances. When I could no longer resist the urge to eat or didn't have the time to keep up the skating, I gained everything back. It was so mentally stressful to me that it was happening that I actually became bullemic in an attempt to satisfy my cravings while not gaining the weight.

    My thoughts on it? You can and will lose weight quickly if you cut your calorie intake significantly as long as you force your body to keep burning through exercise. I wouldn't recommend it though because honestly, who's going to do that the rest of their life? At some point you'll want to fall into some level of normalcy and your body won't be ready for it. starvation diets are extremely hard on a person physically and mentally and you won't be able to do it long term. Do it right the first time around and just mold your everyday life into something you can carry out long term (ie. healthy food intake, exercise schedule, etc) You won't drop the weight as fast, but you'll keep it off longer and not be miserable in the process.
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (usually called simply "anorexia" and "bulimia"). But other food-related disorders, like binge eating, body image disorders, and food phobias, are becoming more and more common.

    People with anorexia have a real fear of weight gain and a distorted view of their body size and shape. As a result, they can't maintain a normal body weight. Many teens with anorexia restrict their food intake by dieting, fasting, or excessive exercise. They hardly eat at all — and the small amount of food they do eat becomes an obsession.

    Others with anorexia may start binge eating and purging — eating a lot of food and then trying to get rid of the calories by forcing themselves to vomit, using laxatives, or exercising excessively, or some combination of these.

    Although anorexia and bulimia are very similar, people with anorexia are usually very thin and underweight but those with bulimia may be a normal weight or can be overweight.
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia


    in my opinion, an ED is someone who has disordered relationship with food and anorexica is a result from that.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    While i appricate all the things that have been said, iv lost just under two stone doing it this way?

    Yes, you will loose weight this way, at first, like any change to the others will damage your body, internally. Just because you cannot see it doesnt mean damage is taking place. You are young (take it from me, I am 32 yrs old and heavy my whole life) until high school and "starved" myself to be thin...I was thin...and sick!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia


    in my opinion, an ED is someone who has disordered relationship with food and anorexica is a result from that.

    in my opinion eating 300 calories a day is a distorted relationship with food.
  • Starvation mode is real, do some research everybody's body is different. I do agree with most all post I see you are seriously eating too few calories... I understand the desire to eat so low as I did the same thing because i seriously freaked out and wanted to loose weight fast. I thought by eating low cal's I would drop the pounds but as you can see it didn't work and it is very very dangerous for your body, and extremly hard on your heart.. Losing weight for me was a mind set to just trying to be healty... I am doing 1200 calories a day, I track my food with my food diary and I have lost 18 pounds and never felt better... I eat well balanced meals and snacks...though I have a sweet tooth and if I work it out in my daily cal's I have had no problems satisfying my tummy.. Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm no Dr. but I'll share with you my thoughts and reasoning/history. I used to be severely overweight (330-ish lbs) and decided to drop to a pure liquid protein shake diet. I was consuming maybe 400calories a day, however I was doing an insane amount of cardio every day (20+ miles high intensity in-line skating). I did this for a good 6-7 months before I regularly started incorporating food again. I lost around 120lbs in that timeframe and had all the energy in the world.

    Was it healthy? Hell no. I lost a significant amount of muscle mass too from where I could press 350 lbs down to struggling to put up 150. It was however a very rapid way to lose weight. The biggest downfall besides the loss of muscle mass was that I trained my body to function in those circumstances. When I could no longer resist the urge to eat or didn't have the time to keep up the skating, I gained everything back. It was so mentally stressful to me that it was happening that I actually became bullemic in an attempt to satisfy my cravings while not gaining the weight.

    My thoughts on it? You can and will lose weight quickly if you cut your calorie intake significantly as long as you force your body to keep burning through exercise. I wouldn't recommend it though because honestly, who's going to do that the rest of their life? At some point you'll want to fall into some level of normalcy and your body won't be ready for it. starvation diets are extremely hard on a person physically and mentally and you won't be able to do it long term. Do it right the first time around and just mold your everyday life into something you can carry out long term (ie. healthy food intake, exercise schedule, etc) You won't drop the weight as fast, but you'll keep it off longer and not be miserable in the process.

    Not only does this put you at risk for gaining significant amounts of weight once you start eating normally again, it puts at high risk for organ damage, organ failure and death. When you do what you have described your body starts shutting down nonessential functions like menstrual cycles in women, sex drive, any organ function it can, even brain function decreases.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    The hcg diet is a little different, but it's still not safe. It's based off old research from the 1950s that found that the pregnancy hormone hcg makes the body burn fat at a higher rate if a woman is eating a reduced calorie diet, like when she has morning sickness. It is not uncommon for women to lose weight consistently for the first half a pregnancy. But, using this hormone for weight loss isn't necessarily healthy as there are other hormone interactions at play during pregnancy. It is also extremely difficult to get the proper nutrition on a 500 calorie diet regardless of how many calories the body is actually using from burning fat.

    Okay, that makes sense. I was only curious because I heard about other people doing the HCG thing. I thought that it sounded a little off--especially when some doctors are prescribing it for their patients. Thank you for explaining!!!:happy:
  • You need to change that NOW! Your body will hold on to the fat that you have to be able to function on those few calories! Not only that, but starvation mode does EXIST!!! You need to eat SMART to lose weight! Some people have the wrong idea about weight loss....extremelly low calorie diet like yours should get the job done, right?... WRONG!!!!!! You can eat 1200 calories and make them SMART calories..... Your body will thank you and you will lose weight in a healthy way. Good luck and I really hope you think about this....we are here to help each other, right??
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    I think the worst thing is, you're NOT going to be able to eat like this forever. When you do eat more cals, you will gain every bit back. Take it from someone who knows! It's the worst!
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...

    no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    At this time your weight may be healthy, but loosing it without the proper exercise and calorie intake will change this pedometer fast (which I am assuming is what you want) but in an unhealthy way. An eating disorder is anything that deals with control and food. Anorexia, bulimia, gorging, etc. But most people with eating disorders hide it.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im nearly speechless. However, I will choke out a few words:

    This stuff amazes me!! Ok "eating healthy, just a lot of fruits and veggies etc" is NOT eating healthy. You need protein, fiber etc in your diet. My inlaws are vegans and eat 5 million veggies a day and I guarantee you they eat well above 500 calories a day. You are going to KILL yourself eating like this. Its nothing to take lightly. Everyone who has posted here is correct, you need to be eating more. And yes Anorexia IS an eating disorder. Your body and organs need at LEAST 1200 calories each day just to lay in bed and breathe so I hope to God you aren't exercising on only 400-500 calories a day.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...

    no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.

    Then you certainly aren't doing it right. My inlaws are vegans as Ive said before and they eat beans, pasta, other things to get their calories up or they are azz dragging.
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...

    no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.

    Being vegan has nothing to do with not getting your cals up! Pastas, breads, nuts, lentils, peanut butter, Jams/preserves, tofu, and whole soy milks are all easy ways to tack a few hundred cals onto your diet
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