starvation mode



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Starvation mode aside, at 500 cals a day you will be actually starving yourself, and over a prolonged time that will lead to loss of hair, bone, muscle, your ability to heal will be severely compromised, so you will get sores, and your immune system will fail, leading to a potential range of illnesses. Don't do it. It's stupid.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    no additives, yes but it comes with a price. I know people who have stones and when the loss is to immediate, they can put theirselves thru hel

    I just think this ones playing with fire...........she can do it in a safe and nutritious way, just seems to me shes coming up with excuses not to follow a healthy , nutritious and safe health plan.........really, is is worth the risk of dying just to lose 20 or so pounds like she is.........sorry, this one needs help.........Lloyd
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    LOL NoAdditives...I function great without my gallbladder.....I function myself right up to the bathroom as soon as I'm done eating, to take a nice, disgusting bile poop. Without a bile regulator (ie: gall bladder) my body doesnt know how much bile to dispense, so it just dumps a whole load of it in there, every time I eat. Funny, I'd have thought this would make me lose weight quicker than when I was able to properly digest my food, but it hasn't worked out that way. :(

    My point was that people can live without their gallbladders. I worked for surgeons and gallbladder removal was one of the most common procedures they performed. Patients never came in with post-op complaints like those you described so I didn't know that was possible. And yes, I did read every single op report, chart note and dictation for every single patient.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    GO figure. Everyone I know that had their GB removed has the same issues I do, some have even worse issues with bile duct spasms. Not fun to see my fiance writhing on the floor in pain while his bile duct does a dance for no apparent reason, sometimes lasting several hours. It sucks. :(

    What state do you live in? LOL Next time I hear of someone needing their's out, I'll send them your way :D
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    I think you need to do more research on being a vegan so you don't die, plain and simple! Eating 400-500 cals a day AND exercising an hour each day, Im surprised you still have a pulse. You can eat many things to up your calories with being a vegan. I just looked at your profile and noticed you're just a teenager. You are wayyy too young to die, especially becuz you deprived yourself of the nutrition your body needs just to survive, forget about how much you need to be able to exercise and do daily things like cleaning, showering etc.
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    no additives, yes but it comes with a price. I know people who have stones and when the loss is to immediate, they can put theirselves thru hel

    I just think this ones playing with fire...........she can do it in a safe and nutritious way, just seems to me shes coming up with excuses not to follow a healthy , nutritious and safe health plan.........really, is is worth the risk of dying just to lose 20 or so pounds like she is.........sorry, this one needs help.........Lloyd

    loss of gall bladder, life, etc....
    you're right she is in need of help and guidance. I hope she is capable of examining her current status, gathering good information and seeking professional help.

    we can only strongly suggest that she do these things. If I was her sister, though, I'd be driving her to the doctor right now.

    I sure hope she can learn what eating healthy really means.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    This is usually only when the person needs to lose SERIOUS amounts of weight for health purposes. Also, those same doctors are probably seeing these patients more than once a week and the patients themselves usually get many tests run to make sure their bodies functions are working properly.

    This girl is not doing so. She is actually showing signs of anorexic thinking. Reason I wouldnt say full blown anorexia is because many anorexic girls stay very to themselves about their eating habits. I had MANY friends who had to be hospitalized because of eating disorders (its common among dancers, obviously), so I was there holding their hands through so much of this.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    GO figure. Everyone I know that had their GB removed has the same issues I do, some have even worse issues with bile duct spasms. Not fun to see my fiance writhing on the floor in pain while his bile duct does a dance for no apparent reason, sometimes lasting several hours. It sucks. :(

    What state do you live in? LOL Next time I hear of someone needing their's out, I'll send them your way :D

    OMG. I'm so freaking sorry I was soooooo wrong.....No one can live a happy life without a gallbladder. Happy now?
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Also, if you feel you are already at a healthy weight, why are you trying to lose an additional 25#? How tall are you? You look thin as a rail in the photos posted on your profile. The more this thread carries on, the more apparent it becomes that you most likely DO have an eating disorder. Don't take our word for it. Go talk to your doctor.

    I am 5'7. And because im still podgey around the edges.

    This is where toning and exercising takes place, not low calorie intake. When I weighed 98 lbs in high school at 4'11 I still had slightly larger thighs...thats why I went this route, thought I was fat due to thick family genes...and pudgey love handles. Exercise got that taken care of....
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia

    Anorexia is an eating disorder.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Settle down. I'm not arguing with you in either of my posts. Stop reading argumentative tones into posts. You see the smiley face I used in my last post? That's your indication that I'm being light hearted. Can you stop being so offended now? Sheesh.
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    Im sorry if i caused any outrage. it was the last thing i wanted. Sorry about ur lack of gall bladders/bileduct spasms. It cant be a nice thing to go through (dunno bout treatments for these things) but hope your symptoms get better/more controlled.

    big loves and sorry if i offended anyone
  • LoveleeB
    LoveleeB Posts: 560 Member
    my weight isnt low enough for anarexia guys. Look at my pedometer thing. my weight is healthy

    You dont have to be sickly thin to have an eating disorder.

    an eating disorder is different than anorexia

    Actually.. No. Anorexia is a type of eating disorder. BTW I know this because I am training to become a professional mental health counselor. It's not something to make light of either.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Im sorry if i caused any outrage. it was the last thing i wanted. Sorry about ur lack of gall bladders/bileduct spasms. It cant be a nice thing to go through (dunno bout treatments for these things) but hope your symptoms get better/more controlled.

    big loves and sorry if i offended anyone

    I don't know that you really offended anyone, I think we're just upset because we honestly care about other people here. We want everyone to be as healthy as possible, especially while losing weight. There are so many dangerous ways to do it, so much damage that can be done to your body. We have a ton of knowledge that we are all willing to share if people will listen. We just want to help and it gets frustrating when someone seems intent on using methods that will hurt them.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    GO figure. Everyone I know that had their GB removed has the same issues I do, some have even worse issues with bile duct spasms. Not fun to see my fiance writhing on the floor in pain while his bile duct does a dance for no apparent reason, sometimes lasting several hours. It sucks. :(

    What state do you live in? LOL Next time I hear of someone needing their's out, I'll send them your way :D

    I had my GB out 9 years ago and never had any of the problems you have mentioned. So maybe everyone is different??? :ohwell:
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    You didn't offend me. I am a mom, so when I see posts like this naturally I think this poor girl is killing herself to look good.

    I have 2 daughters if in 9 years one of them posts a thread like this I would hope to God, a bunch of kind hearted strangers would respond and tell her she is being a damn fool for trying to get thin by killing herself.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Im sorry if i caused any outrage. it was the last thing i wanted. Sorry about ur lack of gall bladders/bileduct spasms. It cant be a nice thing to go through (dunno bout treatments for these things) but hope your symptoms get better/more controlled.

    big loves and sorry if i offended anyone

    It's ok, girl. **** happens. People are so mean to each other on message boards, it's no wonder some folks automatically read incorrect tone/inflection into other people's posts. Hopefully she gets the drift now. :)

    Thanks for the kind words. Bile duct spasms are no joke! Neither is missing two months of work while they figured out 'oh gee, we left the duct unclamped a bit, no WONDER you are in so much're filling up your abdomen with bile!" :-| Yay for routine surgery, eh? LOL
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    GO figure. Everyone I know that had their GB removed has the same issues I do, some have even worse issues with bile duct spasms. Not fun to see my fiance writhing on the floor in pain while his bile duct does a dance for no apparent reason, sometimes lasting several hours. It sucks. :(

    What state do you live in? LOL Next time I hear of someone needing their's out, I'll send them your way :D

    I had my GB out 9 years ago and never had any of the problems you have mentioned. So maybe everyone is different??? :ohwell:

    My mom had hers out in 1995 and I asked her about it last year when I was having pain in that area and they thought I needed it out and she said she has had NO issues since she had hers out.
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    The hcg diet is a little different, but it's still not safe. It's based off old research from the 1950s that found that the pregnancy hormone hcg makes the body burn fat at a higher rate if a woman is eating a reduced calorie diet, like when she has morning sickness. It is not uncommon for women to lose weight consistently for the first half a pregnancy. But, using this hormone for weight loss isn't necessarily healthy as there are other hormone interactions at play during pregnancy. It is also extremely difficult to get the proper nutrition on a 500 calorie diet regardless of how many calories the body is actually using from burning fat.

    Okay, that makes sense. I was only curious because I heard about other people doing the HCG thing. I thought that it sounded a little off--especially when some doctors are prescribing it for their patients. Thank you for explaining!!!:happy:

    No problem! I admit it's tempting, especially since I lost weight with both my pregnancies. But it's not natural and honestly seems dangerous to me. I'm a few weeks into my third pregnancy and since I'm generally eating enough I haven't been losing weight. It's a bit of a bummer but as long as I don't start gaining weight yet I'm fine with it. I've got two toddlers running around and having the extra energy is more important! It takes a lot of energy to grow a baby, I'd rather not be exhausted from that all day.

    I was the same with my last two pregnancies. I lost 50lbs each time. Of course it went right back on afterwards. Gues it is the same thing as the HCG. Lose it all and then stop it and your right back where you started. Silly doctors!!! :noway:
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    GO figure. Everyone I know that had their GB removed has the same issues I do, some have even worse issues with bile duct spasms. Not fun to see my fiance writhing on the floor in pain while his bile duct does a dance for no apparent reason, sometimes lasting several hours. It sucks. :(

    What state do you live in? LOL Next time I hear of someone needing their's out, I'll send them your way :D

    I had my GB out 9 years ago and never had any of the problems you have mentioned. So maybe everyone is different??? :ohwell:

    I'm sure it has to do with the experience level of the surgeon. In my case, the idiot left my duct unclamped, I filled up with bile and went septic. Two months out of work, three weeks in the hospital. $100k in medical expenses. Good times! In my fiance and a couple of friends cases, they 'knicked' the bile duct while laproscopically removing the organ. This knick has left them each with horrific, lifelong issues including bile duct spasms. We all experience 'bile dumps', where our bodies dump an ungodly amount of bile after a meal, resulting in a race to the bathroom. These were all things that were presented prior to surgery as 'possible but not likely'. Maybe the surgeons in NC just suck. LOL! Oh well, it keeps me from eating a diet high in fat, LMAO! Fat contributes to bile dumping. I suffer from this without a high fat diet. I'd probably have to excuse myself from the middle of a meal if I was eating something that made bile dumping even worse. Good lord!! :-O