starvation mode



  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    Im nearly speechless. However, I will choke out a few words:

    Your body and organs need at LEAST 1200 calories each day just to lay in bed and breathe so I hope to God you aren't exercising on only 400-500 calories a day.

    i exercise for an hour most days. I walk to uni which is a two mile round trip also.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    The hcg diet is a little different, but it's still not safe. It's based off old research from the 1950s that found that the pregnancy hormone hcg makes the body burn fat at a higher rate if a woman is eating a reduced calorie diet, like when she has morning sickness. It is not uncommon for women to lose weight consistently for the first half a pregnancy. But, using this hormone for weight loss isn't necessarily healthy as there are other hormone interactions at play during pregnancy. It is also extremely difficult to get the proper nutrition on a 500 calorie diet regardless of how many calories the body is actually using from burning fat.

    Okay, that makes sense. I was only curious because I heard about other people doing the HCG thing. I thought that it sounded a little off--especially when some doctors are prescribing it for their patients. Thank you for explaining!!!:happy:

    No problem! I admit it's tempting, especially since I lost weight with both my pregnancies. But it's not natural and honestly seems dangerous to me. I'm a few weeks into my third pregnancy and since I'm generally eating enough I haven't been losing weight. It's a bit of a bummer but as long as I don't start gaining weight yet I'm fine with it. I've got two toddlers running around and having the extra energy is more important! It takes a lot of energy to grow a baby, I'd rather not be exhausted from that all day.
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    peanut butter isnt a vegan food.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Just curious...if it is unhealthy to eat 500 calories per day, because of the starvation mode. Then why do doctors allow their patients to do the HCG diet of 500 calories per day???

    Because their patients are under close medical supervision and that amount of calorie restriction is for a very short duration of time.

    And of course, don't forget about the docs that sell that bogus crap called HCG. ;)
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I think the worst thing is, you're NOT going to be able to eat like this forever. When you do eat more cals, you will gain every bit back. Take it from someone who knows! It's the worst!

    This is what happened to me! Now I battle my motabalism...words from my Dr. herself.
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    peanut butter isnt a vegan food.

    Since when? And from what animal is it made if it is not? If you choose natural peanut butter - where the only ingredient is peanuts - it is ABSOLUTELY a vegan food.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...

    no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.

    No. You don't get hungry because hunger signals are subjective. If you have been eating like this for long enough your body is used to you not getting enough food and doesn't send hunger signals anymore. If you started eating the proper amount of food your body would adjust and would be hungry. YOUR BODY NEEDS FOOD IN ORDER TO LIVE. IF YOU KEEP STARVING YOURSELF YOU WILL DIE.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    peanut butter isnt a vegan food.

    Peanut butter isn't made with any animals products. So yes, it is vegan.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Im nearly speechless. However, I will choke out a few words:

    Your body and organs need at LEAST 1200 calories each day just to lay in bed and breathe so I hope to God you aren't exercising on only 400-500 calories a day.

    i exercise for an hour most days. I walk to uni which is a two mile round trip also.

    Then your body isn't getting any nutrition whatsoever.

    My toddlers need TWICE what you're eating. Do you think it makes sense for you to eat half of what a two year old needs in order to stay healthy?
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    OP, did you actually want your question answered, or are you here to brag about your ridiculous, unsafe and unhealthy caloric restriction?

    Your question was answered, repeatedly. Yet you just stick your fingers in your ears and sing louder that you're proud of what you are doing and see no issue with it.

  • Geeze girl don't you get hungry...Hang in there and do some research and some of the posts have really good advice from people who are losing weight healthy...take care of your body, you don't want to do damage that can't be fixed...

    no because i do eat a fair bit of natural foods. Im vegan also which is another reason why its hard for me to get my calories up.

    Could you give us a breakdown of your DAILY intake on a 400-500 calorie diet?? I would be interested in knowing what exactly you consider HEALTHY!!
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    OP, did you actually want your question answered, or are you here to brag about your ridiculous, unsafe and unhealthy caloric restriction?

    Your question was answered, repeatedly. Yet you just stick your fingers in your ears and sing louder that you're proud of what you are doing and see no issue with it.


    I was about to ask the same thing. Thanks for saving me the effort.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    keep eating like that hun, and I gurarantee you will do renal damage to your kidneys or you can destroy your gall bladder........Dont believe, just wait and see the stories youll see posted about losing weight too fast ............Your gall bladder needs certain fats to fuction

    deny the gall bladder what it needs, youre going to be up ****s creek before you know it............Youre playing with fire hun.........Lloyd
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    keep eating like that hun, and I gurarantee you will do renal damage to your kidneys or you can destroy your gall bladder........Dont believe, just wait and see the stories youll see posted about losing weight too fast ............Your gall bladder needs certain fats to fuction

    deny the gall bladder what it needs, youre going to be up ****s creek before you know it............Youre playing with fire hun.........Lloyd

    You know that people can function just fine without a gallbladder, right?
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    Also, if you feel you are already at a healthy weight, why are you trying to lose an additional 25#? How tall are you? You look thin as a rail in the photos posted on your profile. The more this thread carries on, the more apparent it becomes that you most likely DO have an eating disorder. Don't take our word for it. Go talk to your doctor.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    peanut butter isnt a vegan food.

    My inlaws eat PB and they've been vegan for over 30 years ;)
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    OP, did you actually want your question answered, or are you here to brag about your ridiculous, unsafe and unhealthy caloric restriction?

    Your question was answered, repeatedly. Yet you just stick your fingers in your ears and sing louder that you're proud of what you are doing and see no issue with it.


    It was just a question. I am by no means bragging about it or proud. All i wanted to know was at what point your body goes into starvation mode so im no longer in it. The comments im making now is in reply to other peoples questions.

    And sorry guys, i thought peanut butter had dairy in it. Cos of the butter part, my bad.
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    LOL NoAdditives...I function great without my gallbladder.....I function myself right up to the bathroom as soon as I'm done eating, to take a nice, disgusting bile poop. Without a bile regulator (ie: gall bladder) my body doesnt know how much bile to dispense, so it just dumps a whole load of it in there, every time I eat. Funny, I'd have thought this would make me lose weight quicker than when I was able to properly digest my food, but it hasn't worked out that way. :(
  • simplepuremaddness
    simplepuremaddness Posts: 33 Member
    Also, if you feel you are already at a healthy weight, why are you trying to lose an additional 25#? How tall are you? You look thin as a rail in the photos posted on your profile. The more this thread carries on, the more apparent it becomes that you most likely DO have an eating disorder. Don't take our word for it. Go talk to your doctor.

    I am 5'7. And because im still podgey around the edges.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    OP, did you actually want your question answered, or are you here to brag about your ridiculous, unsafe and unhealthy caloric restriction?

    Your question was answered, repeatedly. Yet you just stick your fingers in your ears and sing louder that you're proud of what you are doing and see no issue with it.


    In case you haven't figured this out yet, YOU'RE IN IT! You won't be out of starvation mode until you start eating three times what you are now.

    It was just a question. I am by no means bragging about it or proud. All i wanted to know was at what point your body goes into starvation mode so im no longer in it. The comments im making now is in reply to other peoples questions.

    And sorry guys, i thought peanut butter had dairy in it. Cos of the butter part, my bad.
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