Looking for easy quick keto recipes?
I am not a techie but I need to know how you all listen to music when running? My radio hits dead spots and shuts off when I swtch to Map my Run. I have used Rhapsody and Pandora. Not sure how to download to device android phone.I need consistent tunes. Ant help appreciated.
Hi . I am new to this site but love it:-) . I am on Nutrisystem and have lost 16 lbs so far. I just power walked my 1st 8 K and also take karate 2 x a week. I work 12 hour shifts so that kills 3 days for excersise. Looking forward to learning new days to increase daily activities and read goal of 135-140
So I have been between 142-144 for 3 months goal weight 139. I recently stopped nutrisystem. Any ideas to help break the plateau? All so Ugestoons appreciated.
Hello all. I just ran my first week day 1. I was really psyched I did it. I take karate 1-2 days a week. I work 3 12 hr shifts. I am entering my first 5 K run in November. Should I commit to run on the karate days? If not it will be 4 days between runs. So only 2 per week. Any helpful suggestions? All tips appreciated:-)…