So I've been doing My Fit Meals and Perfect Fit Meals and now I am starting to cook my own meals. I was hoping others with recipes and ideas could share here. If you have it please include basic nutrition information (calories, fat, protein, etc.). THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!
My wedding is on Sept. 15th and I am hoping to lose 20 lbs. So far I've lost 4lbs!!!!
Someone recommended a bodybug. Any other suggestions?
My wedding is September 15th and my goal is to lose 20 lbs. So far I've lost 4 lbs. I need help staying motivated until the end.
Hi!! I am new to the boards. I have been on and off myfitnesspal for a while. I was the 20 something with bad eating habits and great metabolism. Now with the stress of my career picking up and metabolism slowing down I have gained about 20 lbs (over a few years). I don't make time for myself anymore. I eat on the run…