I have recently restarted (again) to lose weight. I am 5 weeks in and things are not too bad. It would be nice to have a couple of local chaps or chapettes to help cheer on/be cheered on by. If your from the Plymouth or Devon area then feel free to add me etc......Cheers.
I a big lad, standing at 6'4" tall. Unfortunately I have arthritis in both my knees and am on my last replacement hip joint. This means that any high impact exercising is out of the question. I do, however, own a kayak and will be making as many fishing trips as the weather and time will allow. This is the start of a life…
I have just got back from my first gym session. I am aching everywhere but it is strangely nice! (am I a secret masochist?) I did my stretches and warm up then alternated 10 mins on cardio then a weights machine, 10 mins different cardio then another weights machine etc until I had completed what I intended for today. I…
Today is the start of a long road to a more healthy and fitter me. At present I am weighing in at 314 pounds and my ultimate goal is to reduce my weight to about 196 pounds. I am not going to kid myself, this will be really, really difficult but I have joined a gym and will be starting to watch what I am eating from today!…