Just got home from the gym

I have just got back from my first gym session. I am aching everywhere but it is strangely nice! (am I a secret masochist?)
I did my stretches and warm up then alternated 10 mins on cardio then a weights machine, 10 mins different cardio then another weights machine etc until I had completed what I intended for today.
I was a little disappointed in the amount of weight I could lift but I think that will change quite rapidly as I get fitter and stronger.

This has just been the first little step upon the mighty highway to health and fitness but it still feels good to be on my way.


  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    I am impressed that you went at 4 am. Way to be motivated!
  • doglover1984
    doglover1984 Posts: 54 Member
    That's great to push yourself. Don't worry you will be able to lift more weight soon enough, don't rush it because you could injure yourself. Keep up the great work.
  • silverteacup
    silverteacup Posts: 46 Member
    No worries you will get better. I have been doing weight training for about 6 weeks and I still feel like a feather weight but it's getting easier and I always have an invigorating muscle buzz when I am done. It has however slowed down my weight loss which is disppointing but I am stronger and I walk with more confidence and that makes it worth it. So hang in there You did good!
  • Tastyduckbutter
    Tastyduckbutter Posts: 30 Member
    Give it a couple of weeks and you'll be suprised how much more you can lift.
  • Kayak_Fisherman
    Kayak_Fisherman Posts: 22 Member
    I am impressed that you went at 4 am. Way to be motivated!

    I have to admit, I am not that motivated.......I live in the UK. It was 10:00 hrs here.