Help with loose, sagging skin....
on the backs of my arms, inner thighs, and tummy. am open to ANY suggestions to blast these areas. i already run and do yoga 5 times a week, have done 30DS and Yoga Meltdown, plus swim and cycle when i can. i weigh 111lbs and am 5'2". HELP ME! i'm all baggy and gross! :D
Now what.....?
ok so i hit my long term goal during last week sometime - i've even gone past it and lost another lb or two on top, but now i don't know what to do.... i'm 5'2" and i was around 13st in january last year and now down to 7st 12/13lbs (depending on time of day, lols) and am a uk size 6. i did 30DS, i run, cycle, do yoga and…
sweat is making me break out.....!!!
stopping is not an option, however. I'm drinking 4pints of water per day, washing my face before and after working out, doing my skincare routine post workout at night, keeping it light in the mornings and only wearing moisturiser in the day. *sigh* idk what's making me break out but it's only since i've been working up a…
UK 'clean' eaters - Trying out Aldi. What to avoid?
Need to know what to definitely go for in there and what to avoid please with regards to eating as cleanly as possible. also what sort of meals can i expect to make? is it all pasta based? i imagine they have a large pasta section and not much else going on. i like to cook real food all from scratch, for my family of 4, no…
LADIES: TOM survival kit....
Fail to plan and plan to fail.... I stupidly left myself open to a monumental failure this month when the hormones struck and i had nothing in the house that could satisfy 'that' hunger. i gained 4lbs in the last 2 days just eating, eating, eating and not exercising at all. so for next time i'm putting together a little…
Cottage Cheese. WTF???? PASS ME THE BUCKET!!
I am obviously doing this wrong because so many people swear by it. i tried blitzing it to a smooth paste, adding black pepper, then chilli powder..... etc etc etc. it is truly the most disgusting thing EVER!! and i never thought i would hate anything with cheese in it's name! little help here?
What is the general consensus on these please? waste of time? decent bit of kit under the right circumstances? any and all opinions welcome xx i'm doing strength training, running, cycling, yoga, swimming (when i can). i'm relatively fit, 113lbs with 21% body fat, netting around 1300 calories(ish) per day and thinking of…
Hate for 'strong' girls....?
Gahhhhhhh..... i think i just need to vent really, so sorry if this ends up being a bit of a rambly post. since i started to lose weight (gone from over 13st down to 8st 2lbs currently) no one really took any notice or bothered to say anything. i was skinny but i still blended in to the crowd, nobody noticed me at all.…
Any one in Hertfordshire?
Stevenage, specifically. but no matter if not. looking for local friends to get fit with please! :D
Question about taking supplements.....?
this might be a bit of a weird question, but do you take your supplements all at the same time or do you pace them out through the day? i'm thinking of adding fish oil or vitamin E to my sea kelp and vitamin C supplements, but the size of the tablets/capsules are HUGE! :D does it matter if you take them all at once or not?…
what is your favourite guilt free snack?
looking for some new ideas please! what's your favourite snack and when do you like to eat it? eg post-workout or mid-evening or pre-dinner or whatever. i'm finding it hard to last from lunch at 12.30pm to dinner at 6pm so i need a little something around 3ish. but what? i have a coffee in the morning so i don't want to…
how the frick do i keep sugar down??
seriously, i stay well within all my other goals but sugar is always waaaaaay over. i know i could cut *some* of the stuff i eat to keep levels down (i have a mega sweet tooth) but it seems like the sugar levels in everything are super high. especially fruit, which i eat alot of. weirdly though, i logged the sugar i put in…
Majorly stalled and demotivated. HELP!!
I'm currently 3lbs away from my goal of 8st (112lbs) I'm 5'2", lost over 30lbs and have a fair bit of toning up to do. I was counting calories, running at 6.30am and doing yoga in the evenings all fine while losing, but now, I don't know it seems like i've just stopped caring. Like the fire has gone out from underneath me.…
Comfort Eating....
I need a few tips and tricks to avoid comfort eating. between a moody husband who likes to make everyone as miserable as he is and kids that just plain refuse to sleep, this week has seen a monumental increase in comfort eating (not that i've been brave enough to enter it into my diary). i'm usually a pretty positive…
any experts, analyse my diary....?
my body is doing weird things! i'll try and summarise - i was doing my BMR rate of 1200 cals with no exercise for ages, all fine, easily maintainable over the winter. then i've started to exercise again when the mornings got lighter again, burning around 200 cals, to the point i was getting tired and cranky during the day…
The Zombie Run....
Tomorrow morning between 6-7am I plan on going for a run. It'll be the first one of the year, so nothing too crazy probably just a 20 minute jog round the park or something to that effect. With obligatory atmospheric slaying soundtrack to accompany me. I'll track my progress with the Adidas MiCoach app which posts to…
Abdominal Reconditioning? One for the ladies...
My 2 babies have ruined my abs! :C. I'm 5'2" and was 143lbs, now 116 lbs, with a target of 112, i run and do yoga 3 times each a week but STILL i don't know why my abs refuse to play ball - everything else has fallen into place but they're the last piece of the puzzle! has ANYONE managed to tone that lower 'mummy tummy'…
Can you build muscle but still not gain? (Running)
I've just started running after a break in the winter, and i'm noticing the scales creeping up again. I *know* it's because i'm building muscle but can i still lose while the muscle is building? i'm losing inches, fair enough, but i can see my goal weight slipping away from me! i'm on around 1200 cals plus whatever i get…
Weird Science (Possibly TMI)
For those of you dubious about the benefits of running outweighing the cons..... I ran for 23 minutes today, the first time since October. Today i did 4 Tyranosar sized dumps (normally a once every 2 days kind of girl when i'm not exercising regularly). if you cannot dump, you cannot lose weight. Ipso facto..... just had…
Monthly Comfort Bingers?
Needing motivational friends to *****/moan along with at that time of the month when hunger cannot be satisfied no matter what you do! anyone with tips, tricks, advice, what works (and what doesn't) and weird old wives tales about how to beat this monthly affliction. sick of stuffing your mush with crap every month without…