Hi there, thought I'd just check in with some Stage 1 results. Better than I expected... I started out lifting twice a week but changed quickly to 3x/week. I warmup 7 min. on elliptical and I also add about 20 min. of HIIT and 3 min. warmdown on elliptical at the end of each workout. By the middle to end of Stage 1 I was…
Hi - I've been doing cardio most if my life (triathlete in my 20's, 30's) and now at age 48, hitting menopause, I really need to preserve muscle and bone mass. I now do a lot of fast walking, gardening, and cycling here in upstate NY. I read NROLFW in 2011 and started the first 4 workouts then, but it was too soon after a…
Hi all, I just joined this group after reading-up on the SL 5x5 program summaries and stickies. I've done parts of stage 1 of NROLFW and this seems simpler to follow. I know this program is setup for 3 days per week and I have one of the online spreadsheets so I understand the setup and progression. Rather than 3 days per…
I'm a 48-year-old married female who needs to lose about 35 lbs. Although I was a chubby child, I was a very athletic teenager and young adult (runner and triathlete) who has slowed down and gained weight in middle-age, not helped by a sedentary career behind a computer. I want to increase my favorite forms of exercise…