What a difference a year makes.
OK, it was more like ten and half months, but you get the idea. The first pic is from my second marathon, the 2013 Rocket City Marathon in Huntsville, AL. I weighed about 240 pounds and completed the course in 4:56:15. The second pic is from my fourth marathon, the 2014 Monumental Marathon in Indianapolis, IN. Down to my…
Sub 4-hour marathon
Ran my 4th marathon on 1 Nov, the Monumental in Indianapolis, and broke 4 hours for the first time with a 3:45:53. Took 42 minutes off my previous best, which was back in May.
Any other Nordic Track Skier fans out there?
Picked up a used Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier at the thrift store for $99, and got the basic electronics package off eBay for $35. I remember this machine fondly, as I used it to get to 165 lbs prior to my wedding almost 23 years ago. I've added 30 minutes at an aerobic pace to my yoga days (M/W/F) to burn an extra 300+…
Need advice on sweating into my shoes
As I've gotten more fit over the past couple years, I've noticed that I sweat. A lot. (I've always been a sweaty guy. Finding a good anti-perspirant litterally took me years.) Anyways, during this summer I've noticed that when I run for an hour or more, my shorts are drenched and the sweat is puddling in my shoes to the…
I may have been hallucinating...
But I thought I saw an ab muscle peeking out from behind my protective layer of fat this morning.
To quote Spongebob: "I'M RRRREAADY!!"
Ran a 22 mile training run for my 3rd marathon in 3 weeks. Time was about 3:45 and change. Should recover no problem in a day or two, then time to taper. Question: Do I really need to eat all 3500+ calories? I know I need to feed my body after a workout, but I can't see eating all that, even spread out over several meals.…