Any other Nordic Track Skier fans out there?

Picked up a used Nordic Track Classic Pro Skier at the thrift store for $99, and got the basic electronics package off eBay for $35.

I remember this machine fondly, as I used it to get to 165 lbs prior to my wedding almost 23 years ago.

I've added 30 minutes at an aerobic pace to my yoga days (M/W/F) to burn an extra 300+ calories and as cross training for my running days (T/Th/S).


  • GeorgeL583
    GeorgeL583 Posts: 34 Member
    Yea, got one new many moons ago, still works great.
  • keelybird57
    keelybird57 Posts: 63 Member
    I loved this enough to buy it several years ago. Dusted it off this morning. Boy! Am I in sad shape! But I still like using it.:smile: