Question for you...
Just curious... On average, how much time do you spend working out? Would you say that the more time you spend working out, the quicker or more weight you lose? Thanks in advance for your input and good luck to you all on your journey!
What to expect when goal is reached?
I would just like to hear from those of you that may still be on here and have not only reached your weight loss goals but have managed to maintain them. I am looking forward to reaching my goal and am wondering what changes in are in store for me once I get there such as diet and exercise? Anyone care to share?
2 questions
Hi there! First of all I have a question regarding a post I saw from a while back so I'm posting it here as well as where I saw it which is... This was part of someone's answer regarding the accuracy of HRM: "HRM's aren't meant to be accurate while doing casual activity" My question is why are HRM's not meant to be…
Calorie burn
Hi there, I am just trying to figure out how many calories one should burn through exercise in order to lose the most weight without your body going into starvation mode... So say if one is on a 1600 calorie a day diet, does that mean you are supposed to burn all 1600 daily calories in your daily workout routine?