What to expect when goal is reached?

I would just like to hear from those of you that may still be on here and have not only reached your weight loss goals but have managed to maintain them. I am looking forward to reaching my goal and am wondering what changes in are in store for me once I get there such as diet and exercise? Anyone care to share?


  • EmilyJ1979
    EmilyJ1979 Posts: 144 Member
    I still track my calories (at the maintenance level MFP gives me) and just make sure I am as active as possible, incorporating strength, core and cardio.
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    I am not at my goal either, but hoping to be there within a few months.

    I worry that i will fall off track and gain the weight back when I'm less worried about the loss. It seems that is what I always do when I get to a certain point. I get more comfortable, stop keeping track, and then gain back. MFP has been very motivating to me, and I'm hoping to finally reach my goal.

    I plan on keeping track to maintain. Hopefully that will prevent my past from repeating itself. I am also curious how many people stay here to maintain.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    ive been managing to maintain pretty much give or take half a pound here and there for the last few weeks.
    I still have to watch what i eat, and exercise a lot, so its not a lot different.
    I pretty much try and still follow my weight loss plan tbh, im just not strict about it and have gone back to real sugar instead of sweetners and semi milk instead of skimmed, which feels like luxury.

    Maintenance is probably only a couple of extra hundred calories a day for me than weight loss, so i cant afford to let go too much
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    My original goal was to lose 101lbs, which put me at 150lbs. I had tunnel vision until I reached that goal. Now, I still exercise just as just as much as I did, honestly, because I enjoy it. I get up everyday and go to the gym before I get ready for work. It is just a habit now. I still log what I eat everyday. I set a new goal for 135lbs, but I am MUCH more relaxed about reaching that goal. I think I just need something to work toward. After this, I will probably start setting non-scale goals, like running marathons or something like that.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I hit my goal weight in Sept 2010. I have maintained it through the holiday season and through 3 different injuries -- all which kept me out of the gym (sometimes for weeks on end).

    MFP gave me maintenance calories as 1980. I upp'ed it to 2000 because I know that my body does great at 2000 calories -- plus, it is easier for me track in my head if for some reason I can't track my food here. Due to ongoing issues with one of the injuries that took me out of the gym initially, I only workout 3 days a week. However, I DO work on my feet 5 days a week. I don't count that towards my calories, but I think it does help.

    I've started focusing more on toning and less on cardio - though I still do cardio (just not 60 mins at a time like I was).

    When I first hit my goal weight, I set a new goal weight and struggled to try and get myself down that low. I did everything I could think of to drop those last 10lbs. With a lot of soul searching (and asking about it here) -- I concluded that my body is happy at this weight. I can maintain it easily. So, it is ideal for me. :)

    I should note that I weigh myself throughout the day (which I've decided is helping me vs where it used to hurt me while I was losing since I would obsess over a pound or two). I've learned that I weigh less later at night than I do in the morning. I've also learned that my weight fluctuates up to 5lbs during the day. As long as I see myself somewhere between 148-153 at the end of the day, I'm good. I allow myself that 5lb fluctuation because I know it can be water retention or whatever.
  • nikkishai
    nikkishai Posts: 407 Member
    I'm about half way to my goal now, and I'm training my mind on how to maintain. I'll lose about 2 lbs during the week, then focus on keeping it off over the weekend. Failed miserably a few times, but now I have it down. At least this way, once I reach my goal, shifting to maintenance won't be such a shock.

    Hopefully that helps!
  • msrjmcp
    msrjmcp Posts: 14
    Thank you all for your input. It helps to hear what to expect so I'm not so freaked out about what will happen when I get there. I worry that once I get there, I will think "Woo-Hoo! Now it's time to party!" and go back to my old eating habits. It's nice to hear that it is not that miserable and difficult to maintain it once you reach it. Thanks again! And Keep up the outstanding work!
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