I have a question the past two nights I have been eating after 9 and both nights i have instantly had a headache and felt sick to my stomach. the first night it happened i had a salad with pita bread and last night i had a personal pizza (not good for you but my body was craving high calorie foods after being sick that…
right now my boyfriend and I are training for a half marathon. It has been hot so i know that the temp has been contributing but I am finding that even when its cools down I have a hard time getting going and staying going like I use too. When I run my endurance is there but my body starts to have trouble even lifting my…
so last year I ran the disney goofy race and a half challenge for the lazarex foundation which was wonderful...they paid the cost for me as long as i raised at least $1000...the total for the race was $310... so here is what im thinking, when i ran the races i def didnt do my best but now that i am loosing weight i have…