Hi, does anyone know whether Jawbone UP24 can change the measurement setting from miles into Km? I'm using iphone5S. Thanks a lot!:blushing:
i'm looking for a reliable and affordable sport watch which can keep track of my calories burned and heart rate, any recommendation?
I was thinking to buy a pair of sports shoes for workout at home, is that gym studio shoes enough for use at home or i should buy another pair of running shoes? as i felt painful to do Youtube workout with my bare foots.
I have started my workout plan, but seems that i feeling so tired after exercise (especially after the running on Monday, muscle soreness seriously), making me low incentive to continue, any ideas/alternative on my workout plan? 1. Mon: running 8km - 1 hr 2. Tue: walking 4km fast pace 30 minutes and mild aerobics 20 mins…