I have a bad problem that I over eat when I'm depressed or bored. Usually its at night. LAST NIGHT I KICKED THE URGE IN THE BUTT THOUGH!!! YAY ME and thank you skim milk and sugar free chocolate syrup! I want to hear your story =) I need motivation... or to see i'm not alone.
Last time I did an introduction was months and months ago. I think I had even gained weight since then and lost some. I have made it a goal to atleast get down to 150... But me and my husband are in a competion to lose 36lbs... first one down gets to spend 50 bucks on something they want. (he wants a video game) I'm…
Does anyone on here do low carb too? or just the calorie thing, and if you tried the low carb thing before (i know it works diffrently for some people and its restrictive and what not so i'm not looking for someone to tell me why I shouldnt do it) but is there a free website that includes others who also are doing low…
I'm not sure where to post this so i'll post here. What do you do if you "home make" a meal and you cant find the item in the food calorie thing? I made home made chicken and rice soup. 2 leg quarters (skinless and i took most of the fat off and once it was boiled I took the meat off the bone) Brown rice 2 cans of mix…
A friend refered me here and I thought I would check it out. At first I was kinda skeptical cause I thought I would have to keep up with the calories and what not. But this site is great! Its easy to use and to navigate, so hopefully it will make the journey to the weight I want easy to over come =) Anyways I'm a SAHM of 3…