Created My Own Cardio Circuit...which ROCKED!
Here it is: 5 min warm up on stair climber to get HR up to 150 ish. 15 minutes on bike, kept HR at/above 160 5 min job on treadmill (for me it was 4.4 mph....HR stayed at 165-170). 15 minutes on cross trainer climber, HR at/above 160 5 min jog on teadmill (same as above) 15 minutes on elliptical, HR at/above 160 5 min jog…
Nap Time Update
I've been diligently researching naps regarding my last post about napping, but I run into a problem each time. My power naps turn into two-hour long mini-hibernations. Setting my alarm didn't do diddly-squat, cause I would just turn it off and keep on a'sleepin'. I don't know if I found it on my own, or if someone…
Your opinion on nap time?
This week I had a spike in weight that I couldn't really explain with anything else, other than I went from my normal 7 hours of sleep a night to about 5 a night. So I decided to experiment and see if not enough sleep was playing a factor. All I gotta say is, whether or not my weight does anything, I am SOOOOOOOO a fan of…
Holy Sodium, Olive Garden!
Just had lunch at Olive Garden with a co-worker, and even their "light" menu options have a schload of sodium. I must have drank 3 glasses of water with lunch, and am chugging another liter now to help flush it out. Is there any such thing as a reasonable-sodium Italian plate?
Need advice on a heart rate monitor
I've been looking at bodybugg, but I don't want to have to pay a monthly fee on top of shelling out for the gadget. Do any of you have a good heart rate monitor you can dish on? I want to use it mainly to get more accurate calorie burn counts for cardio and for my strength training circuits (which have cardio mixed in).…