Staying on track when you have mental health issues / nighttime snacking
Ive been diagnosed with many issues since being honorably medically diacharged from the military .Everything was hurry up and eat in 5 minutes .As a child i had some issues and was food retricted so i hid food and would binge at night ,also when i am low on groceries i tend to eat more . So,being i have been diagnosed…
What are your top 5 favorite healthy snacks?
1)Stoneyfield Oikos Chocolate Greek Yogurt 2)Good Health Veggie sticks 3)air popped popcorn 4)Kashi go lean protein bars 5)Just strawberries -Dehydrated Strawberries
Food Drama!
My other half is a junkfood junkie and Im concerned for her health.She has already had a heart attack in her early 20s.She is overweight just like me but doesnt care,eats what she wants when she wants and its chips,soda,debbie cakes,reeces,sugary cereals and milk and chicken soup or waffle house pizza hut etc.I try to eat…
Anyone live with a workaholic?
Just wondering and if it lasted long? Im just really frustrated.I am trying hard to diet and exercise and be on a schedule . I cant work do to some health issues(But I do volunteer) and IM tryin to be more sociable and figure out what God has planned for me.In the meantime all I seem to do is clean and cook and take care…
what kind of water do you drink?
I never really thought of it until I started taking care of myself better.Im thinking Nestle pure life is the best and the second best and best tasting -i just discovered is smartwater. What do you guys drink? I also live near a natural spring that the indians "native Americans" drank from and swore it healed the sick and…
what are your diet/healthy food staples?
I am overshopping and wasting food and getting aggrevated.I hate to shop as it is.
Why did you have a baby????!!!!!!
I been debating this idea,being Im 34 now.I have no children and havent tried.I wonder if its even a good thing to bring one into this world with all the problems and fighting and all the worries I would have and the kid/kids.I have been watching 2 babies the last 4 days and its been rough Im thinking I want ONE if that…
Ok Im a little confused with something I been doing for a wh
I can do the whole healthy food,portion control,exercise to an extent,but there are days when I really screw up.For instance tonight i cooked a nice healthy dinner and my other half wants to go out.-its usually at night and my other half is the one kinda talkin me into it but I know I can say no but then I get to wherever…
Turkey help please!
I attempted to make turkey burgers for the first time tonight for dinner.I used a compilation of different ingrediants from a couple different sites.They really didnt turn out right.I dont know if its the texture or the ingrediants. Any suggestions? Also,anyone ever try the jennie o turkey burgers-are they premade and…
Top 5 favs for lunch?!
Well,I think this helps me plus others who get bored with the same ole stuff.When I posted about the top 5 snacks I got a lot of great ideas when going to grocery shop:happy: So,now what is your top 5 lunch ideas? 1) Mini Pizza-english muffins with the extra fiber and whole wheat,turkey pepperoni,pizza sauce,fat free…
How long do you keep food?
Im saying is there a site of somekind that says this particular food like spinach or yogurt,or lunch meat,eggs-etc go bad at a certain time/day? Expiration lol thats the word .Sorry,rough day.
Anyone have Tofu Shirataki noodles before?
I heard no carbs...:bigsmile:
Anyone have Tofu Shirataki noodles before?
I heard no carbs...:bigsmile:
What kind of exercise is good for belly fat that does not hu
Also,anyone gain weight even though you think your doing good? I have had a few slips on the diet/exercise but have been pretty good.
Any Southerners around here?!
I been having a rough time being motivated lately could use some more friends-southern or not but southern is cool cause I wanna learn what yall do for exercise in this heat? Also,What do you do to change your eatin habits-cause If your like me then everything you grew up with is fried! Any way you can have things that are…
Anyone on medications such as a beta blocker and trying to l
Im on a betablocker for anxiety and tachycardia.I have been on it for 4 yrs now I believe. I have wondered since it slows my heart rate if thats why I cant loose as much weight though Im trying pretty hard. Anyone have a clue ? I probably need to get my heart checked too..Since going to the VA they havent checked it in a…
how many calories does a women eat and be safe?
I have no clue how much to eat exactly.I mean when i started this it said how much do you wanna loose and I had it at a pound a week.Well,I havent lost any in a while.I started exercising more,well that didnt do much either.Im older too just turned 34 so maybe thats why? I then looked and it has me set at 1300 cal a day.Is…
Im a newby
:happy: So Im new to this and not sure what to say other then Im happy to be in a comfortable atmosphere to talk about my diet/weight. I have been having weight issues since I was 9.I have several vitamin deficencys and want to be healthy,exercise and eat healthy.Lately I been overeating and unfortunately bad food.Any…
Weight loss when your disabled
I have some physical limitations and was wondering if anyone else does and what you would do to exercise without too much pain.I dont take any pain meds,so its harder to push through it.Ill take advil if I am really hurting.Im just wondering of anything other then walking?