Vibrams FIve FIngers- HELP!
I recently purchased a pair of Vibram Five FInger shoes to use for running/ exercise. I've watched videos on youtube and read a few different articles, but I wanted advice from people who own them about how to run properly in them (how to properly land on your feet). I know that it is different with Vibramsvand while I…
Food Help!
I am starting this back up for what seems like the zillionth tiime trying to lose those stubborn 15/20 pounds. I keep getting into food ruts, and end up making/eating the same thing day in and out. I don't have much time to cook, or even sleep for that matter (dual degree grad student), and just keep falling into the same…
Back on the MFP Wagon
Hello MFP friends!!! I need your help, support, and tough love... I have a bad relationship with food. I eat when I'm bored, when I'm upset, when I'm happy... just because. I've tried to reform my relationship with food many times. At least I feel like I have started to move in the right general direction (as far as my…
Natural Remedies for heart burn???
I wasn't sure which forum to place this query under- I figured this one would be best. Does anyone know of any natural remedy for heart burn? I rarely, rarely ever get it and I have had the most insane heart burn all night long. I have heard of eating a few raw almonds or drinking milk. I've tried both and nothing has…
Going to visit Mom- Need support!!!!!!!!!
Hi all! So I have been a bit of a slacker lately, but I am (once again) newly back on track. Tomorrow I am going to visit my family for my sister's high school graduation and will be there for five days. The problem (and reason why I need your support) is this- I only see my mom maybe five times a year at most, and because…
Confession Time
My week has been pretty hectic. The past two days in particular have been very stressful/ emotional. While I wasn't as bad as I usually am (small victory), I definitely didn't eat within my allotted calories and engaged in some emotional binge eating... thus starting that lovely cycle of being unhappy that I wasn't eating…
Ab Exercises
I'm trying to find an ab exercise that I can do at home that I will actually stick with. Possibly a DVD? (But a really good one that will make me curse the instructor for how much it hurts). I know basic ab exercises like leg lifts, bicycle crunch, plank pose, etc.- the problem is that I am never all that motivated to do…
Vegetarian needing more protein
After tracking for a few days I've noticed that my protein intake is usually always slightly under my goal. Any ideas on ways I can get to my protein goal? I'm looking for ways that make food fun and not boring. And while I love beans, I don' t want to have to be putting them on EVERYTHING. Thanks!!!:happy:
Help Please! Need to control food intake on days of extreme
So today I was busy ALL day. I joined a local running club, and ran with them for about 30 minutes. After that I went and volunteered at a local farm- for 3.5 hours. I did not expect to spend the amount of time there that I did. Needless to say I was not prepared. I did not have my water bottle with me to continuously…
Hi Everyone!
Hello. My name is Lauren, and since I was little I have been told I've been told "honey you're not fat, you're just big boned". My mom, to this day, will swear by this. I've had the life long issue with trying to control my weight, and now I am here. Over the past 7 years I have become active and I do exercise on a regular…