Any college students out there?? What works for you? Do you plan your meals ahead of time and log them the night before; do you log as you go along; do you log before bed or right when you wake up the next day? Just trying to find something that works for me, and was curious to see how other people do it :) I know I…
Hey guys! I started IF'ing about a week ago. I am 20 years old, 125 lbs, reasonably fit, and interested in burning some body fat. Have been training fasted (some HIIT and a little bodyweight strength training - don't have a gym at the moment!) in the morning and eating in an 8-hour window from 11am-7pm. So far, the biggest…
Hey guys! New to this, but thought I would give it a shot nevertheless... Today I went to the park to do a bodyweight & jump rope workout because I frickin' LOVE working out outside in the summer. I was fine doing box jumps on a 2-ft park bench, but got cocky trying to do a box jump on a MUCH higher wall... To my…