workout at the park - FAIL

Hey guys! New to this, but thought I would give it a shot nevertheless... Today I went to the park to do a bodyweight & jump rope workout because I frickin' LOVE working out outside in the summer. I was fine doing box jumps on a 2-ft park bench, but got cocky trying to do a box jump on a MUCH higher wall... To my embarrassment (and SERIOUS pain), I landed right on my left shin and collapsed on the floor. Had to limp my way home in shame.

So, ANYWAY, just wanted to know if any of you have had any embarrassing PARK WORKOUT FAILS you might wanna share? It would make me feel a lot better knowing I'm not the only one ;) lol

Also, if you have any ideas about exercises to incorporate into a park workout, I would love to hear them!



  • lisajtubs
    lisajtubs Posts: 62
    no useful advice to give, i just wanted to say that you are brave to try public exercise!
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    I haven't had park workout fails - but I've definitely tried to do some exercises in the gym that I thought would be easy that were MUCH HARDER then I anticipated. You think you're going to look like the model who does the exercise lol. I keep telling myself that it's supposed to be hard and even if I look silly I'm doing myself good by pushing myself.
  • KBjimAZ
    KBjimAZ Posts: 369 Member
    Bear crawls.....preferably on grass
  • looseseal
    looseseal Posts: 216 Member
    I won't even attempt running outside yet!

    Hope your shin heals up soon ... not much meat on them, is there?
  • thepezzle
    thepezzle Posts: 40 Member
    Don't forget backwards bear crawls and crab walks, too!
  • tbonethemighty
    tbonethemighty Posts: 100 Member
    Not park per se, but I have definitely had the slo-mo fall to one side on my bike a couple of times since I got clip-in can picture me stopping on the trail in the woods (for hikers to pass, cause I missed a turn-off -- there have been a couple of incidents), tugging frantically at my foot to try to un-clip, and very slowly tipping, tipping, going, oh! and I'm down. (To the great amusement of the hikers, by the way. Glad to be of service, folks!) Thank God for my Camelback -- it's cushioned my spine from hitting rocks on those trails a few times.
  • Tomm88
    Tomm88 Posts: 733 Member
    when i was a teenager i saw the urban workout thing on youtube. So i went to the park and started doing hand clap pull ups....after like 2 i missed my grip, hit my chin on the bar and well and trulley snapped my **** up. fun fun lol.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm sorry you fell, it surely had to hurt :-( hopefully you heal up quickly!! I don't have any park stories to share but.good luck to you! :-)
  • orangpeel757
    orangpeel757 Posts: 38 Member
    I've had a lot of embarrassing things happen to me in public places. I don't mind sharing. Here are my top 5:

    1. I was 10 or 11 yr old and my shoelace wrapped itself around my bike pedal. I went down hard. I probably would have flown over the handle bars from the sudden stop, but my shoelace made that impossible.

    2. Had my pants rip on me while bending down to tie my shoe while on a jog. I don't think anyone saw, there weren't many people around to begin with at 6 am. I just wrapped my jacket around my waist and did the walk of shame back to my car.

    3. Most embarrassing: Had a sports bra fail on me during a workout class. At least I was wearing a shirt.

    4.Worst injury: Slipped while trail running down a mountain and had to limp home 3 miles. Passed a couple of people on the way down who said nothing about the very obvious scrapes and blood everywhere. A couple of weeks later I started having vision problems. The ophthalmologist said I tore a hole in my eye and the fluid buildup caused my retina to detach. Now I have permanent blind spots in that eye, a more narrow field of vision, and some annoying depth perception problems.

    5. Most recent, also felt really embarrassed: Was outside using concrete planter blocks in my backyard to do step-ups and the block shifted. I almost managed to catch myself except I turned awkwardly and ended up stepping on my dog who thought it would be a good idea to walk behind me at that very moment. She let out a really load yelp (she's okay though) and all I heard was my neighbor laughing.
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    I Vlogged my fitness walk last week it's embarrassing...enjoy!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I hurt myself skiing and so I went and sat on a bench for about an hour waiting for everyone else to finish their runs. When it was finally time to get up, my cold, injured leg was too stiff to stand on and I collapsed. I had to scoot backwards on my butt through the snow back to the car. I'm probably on YouTube somewhere. :embarassed:
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    Yea, I was walking around the park (it's next to the Senior Center) when I first started trying to get in shape, and there were people older than my grandma (may she rest in peace) that were lapping me. I'm 30.

    Saad when my fitness goal is to be faster than HALF as slow as someone more than twice my age.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I teach preschool, and I get to play with the kids all the time. Playground/park...same deal, right?

    Jump onto a swing and just go for it. It's super fun. And you would be surprised at how your abs and thighs feel after just 10 minutes on a swing. It's a killer.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I Vlogged my fitness walk last week it's embarrassing...enjoy!

    "...there's a lot of danger inherent in travel. I know they say to stay put, but I really need to get my cardio in..."

    You are lucky to have made it out alive, man. So many dangers in the Ohio wilderness.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I've done the whole fitness thing forever. I've humiliated myself too many times to count! Sports bra fail while riding a road bike going fast leaning over the handles...the guys in the car opposite of me were thrilled. Thank God I was younger then! If I flail in Martial Arts class I make this hideous stepped-on-squirrel sound. It always surprises the new people. I've walked into stuff, tripped over stuff, crashed, farted, gotten whacked in the head by various things, and frankly, if it weren't for being in decent shape I'd probably be in a body cast by now....
  • ras418
    ras418 Posts: 3
    My dog and I used to go running at night and he knocked me into a pole when he went the other direction.
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    I Vlogged my fitness walk last week it's embarrassing...enjoy!

    "...there's a lot of danger inherent in travel. I know they say to stay put, but I really need to get my cardio in..."

    You are lucky to have made it out alive, man. So many dangers in the Ohio wilderness.

    I risk it all for fitness! :P
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    Last 10k run - my sports bra failed on me, thank god I had been wearing lots of layers.

    Last time I went rollerblading in the park, I was in my zone aaand.... tripped over a stick. Went down hard, two little old ladies came over to check one. Very embarrassing.
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I can't get the youtube link to work. I'm computer challenged. Does it have a regular title I can look up?
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    pleasurelittletreasure Posts: 236 Member
    I'm not at the working-out-where-I-want-anyone-to-see-me-doing-it stage yet, but I feel your pain and I'm laughing with you, not at you. Hope you put a package of frozen peas on your poor lil' shin!

    Oh! Hold the phone! I just thought of something that might cheer you up. Sort of. A few years back when my husband and I were out for a walk with the dog - along the lake with everyone else and their dog - he tripped over our tiny toy poodle and severely sprained his ankle. I had to go get the car and take him to the ER. He didn't want to tell them how he got hurt, cuz seriously, she was all of 8lbs if that. She's gone but definitely not forgotten. His ankle reminds him of her when storms come in! Exercise in public is serious business. HAHA