Well I have been here before and tried all the quick fixes, hitting the gym hard, eating only healthy foods and expecting instant results It doesn't work for me, I have an initial kick then lose heart and eventually all interest when I don't see instant results. I have now realised it took two decades to put on the weight…
I'm starting again after many failed attempts and looking for some suggestions on activities to get me off the couch that isn't just walking round the block. I have done the gym and always end up paying a years membership and never go so want get started before committing, plus I am that unfit it's a waste of time. I'm…
I drink a ton of the stuff, normally 2 litres a day at least. With it being diet and low calorie can you drink the stuff and just log it. I have seen lots of conflicting information some saying it's fine others saying it's not good for you even the diet or low sugar. I did drink the normal stuff for a long time which…
So here I am again...... Been down this road a few times and always lose interest after a while, it feels different this time tho so hopefully I can stick to it. I have been heavy since my teens but it has never stopped me doing what I want but recently I find myself out of breath and generally tired all the time so need…