Weight Gain/ Difficulty Losing With Mirena IUD?
Got the Mirena just over two years ago. Gained close to 20 lbs! and its an incredible pain in the bum to try to lose. Idk if its because of the IUD, me just being older, or a combination of both but it is taking me foreeevverr to see results. I'll lose a few lbs, then gain some back. back and forth back and forth. (the…
Carb Nite!!!!!!
Anyone else on here doin' Carb Nite or Carb Backloading? What kinda results are you seeing? Any side effects? I've been doing Carb Nite for close to two weeks, down about eight lbs so far and I seem to be over the "low carb flu" finally! Quite pleased.
military peeps!
looking to meet some other military members on here (go army, hooah!). would be nice to have people to chat with about maxing pt tests and such. And just to put it out there, I am indeed a Weekend Warrior with a POG MOS. Haters gonna hate!
been a member for a while, but new to the boards...
just felt like finally puttin' myself out there and saying HEEYYYYYYY EVERRYYBOODDYYYY! figured meeting more people on here would help give me the motivation and support I need. feel free to add me :)
Pms induced water weight :(
Hey, this is my first post! Im in the National Guard, and as of right now I'm failing my height and weight requirements by only a couple of lbs, which has me barred from the promotion I was supposed to earn back in March :( . I work my *kitten* off at the gym and I've been eating a rather clean mostly vegetarian diet. My…