Heads up: this is a RANT! I know I'm like super strong for a girl and all ;) but I'm kinda tired of the scale not budging. I've been working my behind off waking up at the butt-crack of dawn going to the gym and eating healthy. Meal planning and packing healthy snacks for work. Now, I'll be honest, I haven't been drinking…
Hello everyone, I'm lifting weights using New Rules of Lifting for Women and I love it! The only problem is, my clothes are fitting tighter instead of looser and I've gained 3-4lbs. I wouldn't be complaining about the weight gain if inches were coming off, but since they aren't I know that my food choices have not been up…
Hello everyone! Here are my results: Workout A Squat: 17.5lbs (in each hand) -30 lbs Push-ups: no real improvement Seated row: 20lbs in each hand - 75lbs on machine Step-ups: 17.5lbs in each hand - 32.5 lbs Prone jacknife: 8-20 Workout B Deadlift: 40lbs - 115 lbs Dumbbell shoulder press: 8lbs in each hand - 22.5lbs in each…
Hey people, Name's Jen. I'm frustrated because I want to lose fat and I can't seem to get my macros down and get to the gym like i'm supposed to. Hope everyone else is feeling better about their goals than I am right now. Poor intro, but it is what it is.