SO frustrated! How to kick it into gear?

Heads up: this is a RANT! I know I'm like super strong for a girl and all ;) but I'm kinda tired of the scale not budging. I've been working my behind off waking up at the butt-crack of dawn going to the gym and eating healthy. Meal planning and packing healthy snacks for work. Now, I'll be honest, I haven't been drinking enough water and haven't been consistent in my supplementation, but I feel like I should still see more weight coming off than I am currently...(it's actually hard to tell exactly how much weight has come off because I started off with a faulty scale) any event, does anyone have any "ah ha!" tips they experienced in their weightloss journey? Right now, my plan is drink more water...but if that doesn't work, i'm all out of ideas. I love working out and will continue to do it regardless, but it'd be nice to see some actual weight loss : /
