Hi guys, Im in need of some inspiration of some good quorn mine recipes, we are both sick of the same things such as spag bol, cottage pie and lasagne. also nothing including cheese as i dont like it haha. Thank you in advance :)
thought a few would like this ;) https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t1.0-9/10311075_562267633882204_7843905760369406693_n.jpg
Ok, so I've seen a lot of people on here feel really bad when they go overboard (eating,not exercising etc etc) for a few days, then all at once they see it as a failure, lose confidence and some quit completely. What i want to say to you is this.. YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE. That is it. its OK to lapse. It's OK to not exercise…
Hi, My question is, how do i make the best exercise routine from equipment i already have? i have a stationary bike, a leg master and a 5 minute body shaper, can anyone recommend certain routines etc to help me get the best from them? Thank You :)