Gained 4 lbs after heavy exercise?
I rode my hybrid bicycle twice last week (Wednesday and Thursday) on a trail that was dirt, gravel, mud, tree roots....steady pedaling with no coasting for each day's 50 mile ride, with full panniers on the back of the bike. My speed wasn't the normal 11-12 mph because of the condition of the trail. It averaged between…
I don't get hungry..
With my schedule at work, I seldom get a chance to sit and eat regular meals. I have containers with fruit and vegies and some sort of protein and I grab something to nibble when I get the chance. On my days off, I find I have the same problem. I've started using Almased as a breakfast after I had a couple of the guys at…
Fitbit and spreading mulch
I just got my fitbit zip and have to set it up. Wonder if it will give me any idea of how much exercise I get spreading the yard of mulch that is sitting in the back of my Tacoma. :laugh:
Shift work advice?
Tonight is the first night of a month of night shift. I switch from day shift to night shift monthly....12 hour shifts. This means I have to get my body and meals completely switched around. I don't work more than 3 shifts in a row, so I usually spend my days off on a daytime schedule. If this sounds confusing, just think…