Shift work advice?

catb58 Posts: 239 Member
Tonight is the first night of a month of night shift. I switch from day shift to night shift monthly....12 hour shifts. This means I have to get my body and meals completely switched around. I don't work more than 3 shifts in a row, so I usually spend my days off on a daytime schedule. If this sounds confusing, just think how confused my body is with trying to figure out when I'm going to feed it or when it's supposed to sleep!

Is there anyone else who does some "extreme" shift work who can give some good advice on how to plan my meal times so I don't under- or over-compensate for the switch? I never seem able to eat 3 meals when I'm on night shift because I just am not hungry at regular times like I would be during the day. Many people I work with will eat a breakfast when they get home and then go to bed, but I don't want to do that. I want to be able to eat at regular times and keep my body on track.
