Anyone have anything natural to give them a boost at the gym?
Someone recommended me this item. Wanted to know if anyone has tried it on here??
I AM 23 YEARS OLD AND I BEGAN MY JOURNEY ON August 6, 2014. I started at 261. Past days ive been working out and eating clean which put me at 249. Problem is before doing so i had no stretch marks..well i did but they weren't noticeable at all. Now that im trying to get fit and workout i have massive dark red stretch…
Yesterday my doctor put me on adipex, seeing that i am at 261 at 23 years of age. Im really scared to take pills but i know i must of been prescribed for a reason. My family comes from high blood pressure, diabetes is why i need to change.. I solely dont believe in the pill, It may help but i want to change my lifestyle…
I was actually put on a 1000 a day calorie diet by my dietitian on Tuesday. I am 23 years old and 261 pounds :( . I work about 50 hours a week at one job go to school at night and i have a pt job on sunday from 2-11 (being a broke college student sucks!!) I have high stress and anxiety which im trying to find the best ways…
Im constantly on the go and at dinner time, I'd rather have a shake than eat a meal. What brands do ya'll recommend>>
I am 23 years old and i weigh 267 pounds. Sadly but true and this depresses me. I dont like how i look anymore at all and even ashamed.. I cant even walk past a mirror because i refuse to look at myself. i used to exercise alot but when my aunt and dad passed away in less than 6 months from each other i just stop caring…