Ketogenic Diet Low Carb Cheat Sheet by www.ruled.me
A nice little reference if you haven't seen it. http://www.ruled.me/ketogenic-diet-low-carb-cheat-sheet/
How Gluten Free Flours Compare for Carbs and Protein Content
Another fantastic reference... This isn't new, but came to my FB newsfeed today via Low Carb Zen (also http://lowcarbzen.com). From the All the Love- Without the Wheat (http://ggiswheatfree.wordpress.com/) blog: FLOUR CHART: How Gluten Free Flours Compare for Carbs and Protein Content…
Keto Diet Low Carb Cheat Sheet by www.ruled.me
A nice reference I also cross-posted in the Keto Reddit forum. http://www.ruled.me/ketogenic-diet-low-carb-cheat-sheet/
How Gluten Free Flours Compare for Carbs and Protein Content
Another fantastic reference... This isn't new, but came to my FB newsfeed today via Low Carb Zen (also http://lowcarbzen.com). From the All the Love- Without the Wheat (http://ggiswheatfree.wordpress.com/) blog: FLOUR CHART: How Gluten Free Flours Compare for Carbs and Protein Content…
LLVLC Post 9/10/2014
Take read on this:[url] http://livinlavidalowcarb.com/blog/7-lingering-myths-everyone-should-know-about-low-carb-ketogenic-diets[/url] Hope everyone is having a good day!