on caffeine and sodium
I think someone may find this article helpful: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-make-coffee-healthier-by-adding-salt-the-salt-fix-james-dinicolantonio
Primal update
How Strongly Does Appetite Counter Weight Loss?
Last K.Hall's work has been released: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/oby.21653/full (warning: contains maths)
extreme paleo...
This is just history. Isn't it?
"Columbia Researchers Find Biological Explanation for Wheat Sensitivity"
http://newsroom.cumc.columbia.edu/blog/2016/07/26/columbia-researchers-find-biological-explanation-wheat-sensitivity-2/ the paper: http://gut.bmj.com/content/early/2016/07/21/gutjnl-2016-311964.full
Up-to-date bibliography
125 published papers: https://oscarpicazo.es/2016/05/31/paleodieta-bibliografia-actualizada/ Unfortunately the studies aren't linked, just google the title (better directly on google.scholar) to find it.
On potassium
I just came across this new study: http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/article/S0025-6196(16)00047-1/abstract introductory video: http://www.mayoclinicproceedings.org/cms/attachment/2051605992/2059395701/mmc1.mp4 It's ironic how while on one hand the mainstream media still present the paleolithic diet as a "fad", on the…
Two new studies on liver fat and inflammation
Strong and persistent effect on liver fat with a Paleolithic diet during a two-year intervention. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26786351 Paleolithic and Mediterranean Diet Pattern Scores Are Inversely Associated with Biomarkers of Inflammation and Oxidative Balance in Adults.…