10 week transformation!
10 weeks to a new person. Good luck to all of you with your transformations! :) Thanks
7 Weeks 35 pound - Feedback
I was 17 stone 1 pound when i started Low carbing 7 weeks ago, Im now at 14 stone 7 pound. Can you guys see a difference yet as im not really seeing it as much as i would like. Thanks peeps :)
8 Week Photo TimeLine
8 weeks Timeline. and 8 more to go :) ***Was trying to uploadf a photo strip that was 1 pic for each week but it didnt let me do it as it was too wide. :( ***
4 weeks feedback?
Please can you guys give me some feedback on my 4 week before and after. So far lost 21lbs. Thanks
2 weeks results? Feedback.
Been dieting now on a low carb plan for just over 2 weeks. Lost 1 stone but dont really think it shows? Found it really hard the first week but now seem to be over the cravings and quite content with very little carbs. My carb intake has been less then 18g every day so far. Feedback Please. Thanks