I wasn't sure which category to put this in... or what I'm really going to say. I just know that I need to put it out into the universe because that's when things start happening. I've been basically a pack a day smoker for 22 years (and I'll only be 35 this year). That makes me sad. I know it's all will power, mind over…
So for about 6 months now I've been trying my darndest to stick to a 1200 calorie diet. On days I workout, I do add back in the extra calories.... but on days I don't... 1200 is so hard! I did this based on the recommendation of my trainer, along with macros of 50%p/25%c/25%f. Most days I do alright, although it's probably…
I was curious if you have cardio calorie burn goals when you work out? My trainer told me I should be doing 500-800 worth of calories when on the elliptical, etc and I was just curious what other people shoot for. I'm usually pretty content with a 30 minute/300 calorie burn. Thank you!
A month ago I hired a personal trainer 2x a week and adjusted my diet. Today was my one month check in with the trainers. I lost 5.3lbs, 1.3% body fat, lost a total of 7” overall, gained 1.25” in the flex test and was able to do 25-45lb chest presses vs 18-40lb ones last month. I shall claim this both a victory as well as…
So I'm starting to worry that my calorie deficit is TOO great every day and that I'm working against myself instead of helping. I try and stay around 300-700 calories in deficit based on a 1270 calorie goal (plus adding in the extra calories for working out, etc). But then I was reading about the "maintenance" calories, or…