Chelle8070 Member


  • Just remember you can't spot train fat loss. It's going to come off of the areas that it wants to. You can surely build up the muscles underneath - but targeted exercises for fat loss don't work. So just keep doin' your thang and it'll get there! My gut is always the last to start falling away. It's ridiculous really lol
  • Please keep in mind that the scale is not the only tool to measure progress. Do you take measurements of waist, hips, arms, legs, etc? Can you walk faster than when you started? Or maybe the same speed but your average heart rate is lower? Are you lifting heavier? I know we've all been taught to focus on the scale alone -…
  • [quote= Here is my tip to still eat unhealthy food but minimize the risk. Few years back when I do not cook, I lost weight by supplement fast food/takeout with vegetable. For example, only use half of noodle and seasoning, add an egg, bunch of pre-washed baby spinach to make a meal. Around same amount of calorie but half…
  • I wouldn't call it a cheat - but I would encourage you to seek out some nutrients as well... Weightloss/maintenance isn't my only goal though. I am seeking overall health and fitness so I might eat differently than you. I would also feel lousy and sluggish if I ate high quantities of fried foods or Oodles of Noodles, so I…
  • I eat mostly plants with a bit of meat and throw in some rice or quinoa on occasion. I make sure I have a plan for food for the next day so I'm not as tempted to stop and buy some crap. lol I have not cut any foods out specifically. When I do, I end up bingeing on those foods. I just work them in, smaller amounts and less…
  • BMI is outdated and isn't an accurate measure of fitness or health.
  • 77lbs in a year is SO impressive! Maybe you're more muscular now? Have you tried making performance based goals or focusing on you feel vs the number on the scale?
  • YEAH! Eat good, real foods - keep moving! :D
  • 30 Day Fitness, WorkoutWomen, Fitbod You got this!
  • I personally prefer more of the free weights (and Planet Fitness doesn't have a ton), but I've definitely seen results using machines. The 30 minute circuit room thing might be a good place to start to get you used to using machines. I'd suggest you get with one of the PF trainers to see what they suggest... or I just got…
  • I love deadlifts and power cleans and kettle bell swings and box jumps too! Maybe start working on squats? Squat to a chair with no weight or with holding pvc. Squats are so so great (so so much of a pain, but so great). Weighted lunges too! I like incline sit ups with a medicine ball moreso than the ab machines. And…
  • Beachbody 21 Day Fix - Total Body Cardio and 10 minute abs!
  • Also keep in mind that weight on a scale is not the only thing that is going to change in your body. Are you tracking body fat %? Inches lost? Has your body composition changed at all? I have gained 2lbs in the last month and a half and lost 2" in my waist. So if i ONLY watched the scale I'd be frustrated, but I have…
  • Aww honey <3 Eat more food! 1200 calories a day is fine for someone not training like you are (In my opinion, I'm no professional). But you aren't fueling your body with enough nutrients at that level. Best of luck!
  • I follow a group of women at a company called Constantly Varied Gear - they definitely encourage you to not purchase anything "detox" and/or most diet pills. They all use triggering marketing words to target vulnerable people who know they want to lose weight/improve help. I'm so very grateful for those people who teach us…
  • If you can do 3x5 with the 45lb bar, I'd keep going. That's incredible! Strict presses I'm in the 30lb range, but I do like 3x8 or 3x12. For push presses I can use the 45lb bar for 3x8 or 3x12. Just different training sets, I'd imagine. I see 5x5 referenced a lot though! Whatever direction you decide to go - GREAT JOB!
  • Two whoppers and 4 donuts LOL
  • This is definitely one of the very few "guilty pleasure" reality tv shows I watch. I love cheering on the people who really want to make the change! I personally cannot imagine letting myself get that out of control with food, but I've gotten that out of control in other areas of my life so tomato/tomah-to. I yell at them,…
  • Regardless of whether or not you like the buzz term "starvation mode", eating too little definitely stalls the metabolism.
  • I believe this is what I was doing to myself. I believe this is what a lot of people (women) end up doing to themselves when they're desperately trying to get those last x amount of pounds off. This is why I'm on board with the fact that 1200 just…
  • Is OHP an overhead press? Like a push press or a strict press? Sounds like the issue is resolved, but I was curious. Sometimes I read these threads to comment, sometimes I read them to learn :)
  • I browsed Facebook marketplace and letgo and have stocked my basement gym for under $450 I have 2 olympic bars, 2 benches, 2 other bars, 310lbs in weight for the olympic bars and 260lbs in weight for the smaller ones, adjustable kettlebell, dumbell bars that take the "smaller" weights (meaning weights with like, a 1"…
  • //Exercise isnt necessary for weight loss though. So, feeling fatigued and not working out as a result of not eating enough wouldn't mean that you stop losing weight. If someone is eating so little that they are too fatigued to exercise then I guarantee they will continue to lose even if they completely stop. They wouldn't…
  • If I under eat for a day or two, I am STARVING come the next day and have a hard time keeping myself in check. One can only eat so many carrots when starving. My daily goal is 1590 without exercise... if I workout an hour or two and only eat 1400 calories, the next day I can't get enough, so I have to be really mindful of…
    in 1200 Cals Comment by Chelle8070 May 2019
  • I disagree with the end of this statement, at least somewhat. I tried a 1200 calorie diet and was starving. I lost a little weight but my energy was low so I might be doing the motions of working out but that was it. I increased my calories to 1500, I feel properly fueled, my energy is through the roof and my workouts are…
  • I just wanted to post an update, I hope that's ok. My quit date was set for 4/1, I quit on 3/31 and now have a month and a day under my belt! :smiley: I bought and read the Allen Carr book as suggested and it's fabulous. Thank you all so much for your stories and encouragement!
  • I do not do the "cheat day a week" thing. I stopped calling it cheating... and I also stopped making a whole day out of it. I don't want to ruin all my hard work of the week by splurging for a day. Instead, if we go out to eat, I get excited to have a burger, maybe share a dessert - but I don't ruin the rest of my day,…
  • I love this thread!! I've taken my BMI from 35 to 29 in the last year and body fat % from 42% to 35.5% and still going strong! (Overall weight is less important but 212lbs to 176lbs in the last year). The results would/could be better but I quit smoking cigarettes 3/31 and decided to let myself eat the crap for 2-3 weeks.…
  • The splint/brace is fabulous! I had plantar fasciitis in both feet while working in a precast concrete plant 15+ hours a day. The splint/brace is so fabulous that sometimes I wear it now just because I like the stretch it gives my feet. I didn't rest mine, I couldn't with work, not for long anyway.... so I had it for 3…
  • I'm an old school Beach Body fan - I LOVE Turbo Jam!! It's my favorite. I do it all the time. In fact, I have the 20 minute video memorized to the point that I can put on any music I want and do it LOL PiYo is my other favorite. When I was really overweight and had joint issues, I chose this because it was low impact.…