ONE cheat day a week....



  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    liz0269 wrote: »
    Look at your weekly stats. (Under the Nutrition button at the bottom of your diary on the app only.) You can look at a weekly view which will tell you how many calories over or under you are for the last seven days. Budget calories for Saturday night and make it part of your plan.

    I second this.

    Takes the whole cheat meal thinking out of the equation.

    Just aim to have your weekly calories at the right level - so plan higher days and off set them by lower days.

    Eg if your so called cheat day is 500 ish over your allowance, just eat around 70 calories less each other day.

    This is what I would have to do. With a 250 cal deficit, I can wipe out an entire week's work in one cheat meal. I would be sabotaging any possible progress.
  • smcwllms
    smcwllms Posts: 27 Member
    My wife and I do one cheat meal a week, usually Friday night. I allow myself to eat anything and as much of it as I want, for that one meal. It's nearly impossible to eat enough in one sitting to overcome the caloric deficit sustained in a week. It is more of a reward for doing well the rest of the week. Our weigh in day is Friday morning. It works for us just fine, but it may not work for everyone.
  • texasredreb
    texasredreb Posts: 541 Member
    I don't plan to have cheat days. Having said that, I've gone significantly over on calories twice since I started in March. Once I was over by 400 (total for the day was around 1650). The second time I went over by more than double. My total calorie count was 2990; my allotted count is 1270. Neither day derailed me; I just got back into it the next day.
  • I like cheat meals that still fit within daily calories. So say you burn 2600 calories and you eat less than 2600 calories of any food you like for that day only. That’s what I do 🙂
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    I like cheat meals that still fit within daily calories. So say you burn 2600 calories and you eat less than 2600 calories of any food you like for that day only. That’s what I do 🙂

    That's what I do all the time: eat less than I burn of any foods I like, every day of the week. I don't call it a cheat day. It's just another day.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I like cheat meals that still fit within daily calories. So say you burn 2600 calories and you eat less than 2600 calories of any food you like for that day only. That’s what I do 🙂

    So on every other day you are eating food you don't like? That sounds pretty miserable so no wonder you are "cheating."
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    I like cheat meals that still fit within daily calories. So say you burn 2600 calories and you eat less than 2600 calories of any food you like for that day only. That’s what I do 🙂

    Or you could eat food you like every day, in portions that fit your calorie goal.
  • Chelle8070
    Chelle8070 Posts: 165 Member
    I do not do the "cheat day a week" thing. I stopped calling it cheating... and I also stopped making a whole day out of it. I don't want to ruin all my hard work of the week by splurging for a day.

    Instead, if we go out to eat, I get excited to have a burger, maybe share a dessert - but I don't ruin the rest of my day, just enjoy some foods I wouldn't otherwise have for that one meal... and not every day.
  • pandareads
    pandareads Posts: 18 Member
    I couldn’t splurge like that and still be on track, and I know i would feel guilty after. I planned to “cheat” on holidays when I started in February, but when Easter came I didn’t want to. Easter I counted calories best I could (ate out for brunch) and still ended up over by about 400. If I had let myself cheat like I’d planned, it would have been much worse.

    But. I am planning on saying “screw it” on my birthday. I’m going to Cheesecake Factory and having the fried Mac and cheese balls and a big fatty piece of cheesecake, dammit! But that’s not too October, sooo...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    If you knew you had an issue with debt, would you allow yourself to spend uncontrollably for 1 day a week?

    Would you give this advice in any other scenario?

    It is unnatural for one to be in a continual state of deficit or surplus. Change this mindset from mindless to mindful. Deficit is a temporary state - one you'll be transitioning from at some point, which is where the skills and discipline learned will come into play. We are creatures of habit, so establish habits that reinforce behavior you want to see in yourself.
