Who's excited about 16.1? We're doing it tomorrow night. Nothing in this WOD I can't do. Of course the lunges and the 20 mins time are going to be brutal. Can't wait
So I have to go to Columbus, OH the first week of January for business, and of course the first thing I did was look for CrossFit boxes nearby that take drop-ins. I love my local box, but I'm super excited to have found CrossFit Grandview (formerly known as Rogue Gahanna and the home of the original Rogue Fitness Gym)…
I'm looking too add some MFP friends who love working out at the gym and who use Jefit and/or a Polar device for tracking workouts and want to share feeds. MFP only users who like to share workout comments would be great too. I'm currently doing a 4 day split with a 5th upper body only day. 6th and 7th days are cardio,…
Good article on white vs. brown rice. I can attest, I eat white rice more days a week than not, and I'm dropping weight and having great workouts. This may not be the right choice for many, but if the shoe fits, you might consider it. https://t-nation.com/diet-fat-loss/perfect-carb-for-lifters
I included the following in a reply to another post, then was curious how many others are like this... My general workout goal is to always do just a bit better than my last workout. So I'm either trying to add a bit more weight (I love the 2.5 pound plates for this reason) or get a few more reps than the last time. I'm…