For the past few months, I've been mostly using jump roping for my cardio routine. I'm not super great at it, but I've been gradually getting better, as some days are better than others. My question has to do with non-stop jump roping. I know longer periods of non-stop jump roping is obviously the best in order to get in…
...will I lose a lot of the tension and resistance? Today, for instance, I jump roped for over 10 mins non-stop, but then messed up. I took like 3-6 secs of rest, at MOST. And then I proceeded to do another round of non-stop jump roping for 10 mins. Do I get NEARLY, not all, the same benefit as jump roping for 20 mins…
Just wondering, about how many minutes do you guys last jump roping before you mess up or get tired and stop or have to restart?
I've been jump roping between 3-5 days, and usually the worst I do now is 7-8 minutes, and that's mostly just from tripping on the rope, which frustrates. But it doesn't occur that much now. I'm usually able to get at least 10 minutes of non-stop jump roping now, for the most part, although as I just stated, once in a…