I am getting super angry nowadays for silly things [Eg: DH coming late by an hour even due to valid reasons] I always had anger issues but it was once a while(say once in 10-15 days) but now i keep-on finding reasons to become angry. I am not able to control it at that time..even though later i realize i am over-reacting.…
I got down from 183lbs to 141lbs ( lost my pregnancy weight)!! My goal weight is 125lbs (my premarital weight) before my son's first birthday - 2 more months to go!!! This last mile is tedious as weight loss became very slow... I lost all these weight by just having proper-well balanced diet... i joined before 3 weeks gym…
I recently joined a gym (3 weeks back). They took my measurements using a digital scale and my body fat was 45% which is very high. Is this abnormal or wrongly measured? what are steps to get less body fat? I am already doing cardio and strength training @ gym
hi, this is a completely irrelevant topic. But wanted to know how you all feel. I am 25, working in a reputed firm , earning well, married to a good-natured,loving and well-settled person and blessed with a cute kid. I was always normal in weight until pregnancy, i gained 55 pounds during pregnancy. I started dieting and…
I was never overweight till 2012- right - till marriage and the immediately followed pregnancy. I got scared when my baby was in the risk of premature delivery so I ate and ate to increase my baby's weight so that he can manage even if he is premature. But he was inside me for 42 weeks!! :D and was a full term baby! Bad…