Anyone from the LA area?
Hi, I'm from the LA area. I live in Glendora. Anyone else or anyone nearby? :)
Younger girl dating older guys?
Guys in their late 20's and early 30's (or whatever age), would you ever consider dating (not just sleeping with) a 19 year old girl? Does age not matter, or is their just too much of an age gap? Do you guys take younger girls seriously or just use them for fun? Just looking to hear opinions on why and why not.
I'm 19 and have never had a boyfriend :(
Hey everyone I need some advice. I am 19 and like I said before I've never had a boyfriend. Never, :( . I've tried online dating (POF and tinder) but the guys there just want to hookup and I don't want just that. :( I graduated high school in June and right now I am taking the semester off. I work at Kohls, so I don't…
Lifting and yoga???
Do you fellow lifters also do yoga??? Are there benefits to doing yoga in addition to weight lifting? Would you recommend it? How often should I do yoga, and is it okay if I do it on the same days I lift? At my gym there's only yoga in the mornings, so I would go to yoga in the morning and lift at night. Or should I do…
To use pre-workout or not?
Hi all, I'm a beginner at lifting aka Noob, so I'm a little confused at some things. I know some people take a pre-workout but others don't. Why is this? Why do you take pre-workout or why don't you? Should I take it? Also is creatine the only pre-workout thing, or are there others? Thanks all, sorry for the noob…
Finding boyfriend/girlfriend material on Tinder?
Hi everyone I'm just wondering what everyone thinks about tinder. Do you think there are people who are boyfriend/girlfriend material and looking for a relationship? Or would you say there are mainly people who are just looking to hookup and not a relationship? How do you find relationship material on Tinder, and is such a…
How can I get my protein intake up?
Hey everyone, I have trouble getting enough protein. Any tips or suggestions? What foods do you all like to have to increase your protein intake? I'm not a vegan or a vegetarian btw, but I'm not a fan of meat. I'll eat it if I have to though.
Girls working at Hooters...?
Hi everyone. I'm just interested to hear opinions on this. What do you think of girls working at Hooters? Would you think less of them? Is it seen as sleazy? Or would you just think nothing of it? I mean they are just waitresses, but at the same time we all know Hooters mean something other than owls and the tank tops show…
Best lifting program for lower body?
Hi everyone, so I'm wondering if I should start stronglifts or strongcurves as a lifting program. Basically I really want to focus on my butt and legs. However, I'm pretty new to lifting, so I'm not sure if strongcurves would be right for me? What do you all think? Thanks.
Is 24 Hour Fitness a good gym for lifting?
Hi everyone I want to get into weightlifting. The only gym close by is 24 Hour Fitness. Is that a good gym to lift at?
What weightlifting routine should I do?
Hi everyone I am going to start weightlifting soon. I just don't know what routine I should do. I really hate my bodytype. I am the inverted triangle shape/apple shape, so I have big shoulders, a big stomach, with small hips and a flat butt. My shape looks bad. :( I know that losing weight will help me even out my shape,…
I want to lift, but I'm terrified of the weight room.
Hi everyone! So I really want to start weightlifting! I've seen the success stories on here and on bodybuilding.com, and I think it will great things for my body! But there's one problem, I'm so nervous to be in the weight room! It really really intimidates me. I am a freshmen in college, so I am on my own for the first…
I'm too ugly for LA, and too dumb for New York City.
https://www.google.com/search?q=too+ugly+for+LA+too+dumb+for+new+york&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS585US586&es_sm=91&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=YxEEVOP8HJHIggTcy4CADg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1238&bih=638 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aJhhByUa10 What do you guys think of that? There's people that actually buy shirts with that on them.…