There are two kinds of people in this world...
There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who understand that they need to "cheat" from time to time, and liars. Do not fool yourself into thinking you are going to be 100% compliant to your diet. You can "cheat" from time to time, and still make a ton of meaningful progress by being 80-90% compliant.
Butter or Margarine
I want to get to the bottom of this once and for all: Butter or Margarine - which is better for you? And go! (please cite references) :)
Howdy - Joined up with my wife to count calories and log workouts. I've been "maintaining" a 300 - 330 lb weigh for about 13 years now (too much sitting on my "donkey" and not enough activity). I've been doing regular walks at our local sports center indoor track and I'm starting to watch what I eat as well. I was weighed…