
Howdy - Joined up with my wife to count calories and log workouts. I've been "maintaining" a 300 - 330 lb weigh for about 13 years now (too much sitting on my "donkey" and not enough activity). I've been doing regular walks at our local sports center indoor track and I'm starting to watch what I eat as well. I was weighed at the doctors office a week ago and I was 299lbs! So I've broken the 300lb barrier and want to keep going down!

I'm the kind of guy that will eat "it" until it's gone so to avoid temptation I simply don't have "it" in the house (because I ether have enough willpower OR I'm simply too lazy to go out and get "it" if it's not in the house BUT if "it" is here then it'll be "gone"). "It" being chips/cookies/sweets/etc.

I have some blood pressure issues and high blood sugar but I'm told most of that will go away as I loose the pounds and inches.

Looking forward to a slimmer and healthier me!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Awesome start! You can do this...feel free to add me!
  • Timelordlady85
    Timelordlady85 Posts: 797 Member
    Doing this with a spouse or friend, family relative,etc is always easier then on your own. kudos to you for taking the first steps to a healthier you, feel free to add me.:smile: I'm the same way with temptation and keep it out of the house to avoid wanting to down a bag of chips or candy at one sitting.